Bone Suckin' Sauce Peak City Pig Fest

Bone Suckin' Sauce Peak City Pig Fest

Friday, Apr 11, 2025 at 5:00pm


The Bone Suckin' Sauce Peak City Pig Fest is a public festival in downtown Apex, NC in the parking lot of Town Hall (2025's event is in a different location than prior years).

It includes a number of activities and events. Hang out at the beer garden for a drink listen to music and enjoy championship BBQ; learn BBQ and smoking techniques from the masters; hear some great bands at the beer garden and spend time with family! Walk the streets of downtown to visit our downtown businesses as well.

Schedule of Events:

Festival Highlights (Tentative)

05:00 pm: Food Trucks- Beer Garden Open
05:30 pm: Live Music Starts
08:00 pm: Rib Eating Contest (Police vs Fire departments!)
10:00 pm: Food Trucks Close- Last Beer Call - Live Music Ends

Friday Night Beer Garden

5:00 pm - 10:00 pm

- 4 BBQ Vendors
- 2 Additional Food Vendors (HotDog and IceCream)
- 1 Ice Cream Vendor
- 3 Craft Brewers
- 2 Live Bands

Beer Garden

05:00 pm: Beer Garden Open
05:30 pm - 07:30 pm: Live Music with TurnFire
08:00 pm - 08:30 pm: Rib Eating Contest (Police vs Firefighters)
08:00 pm - 10:00 pm: Live Music with Peak City Sound
10:00 pm: Last Call - Beer Garden Closed

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