
Anoka County Historical Society News -July 10,2023

Clubs and Organizations

July 11, 2023

From: Anoka County Historical Society

It's here! The new exhibit you've waited for. Now it's time for you to take your place in history!

History happens when you least expect it

You're minding your own business, just living life, then POW! You find yourself on the wall of a museum. That's the beauty of local history. Sure, some people do crazy important things and the world hears their name, but everyone else? Those of us just maintaining relationships, homes, and job? Museums like ACHS remember and preserve your story (or your neighbors story) and here's the kick: we're the ONLY ONES doing it. #LocalHistoryRocks So stop in for a visit and imagine yourself within the stories you see, whether that's a veteran, a weaver, an immigrant, or family rooted five generations deep.

Online Exhibits available

Jell-O Derby during Blaine festival raises operating funds, brings laughs in rain storm

Thanks to your generous sponsorships, ACHS raised nearly $500 by racing little drivers made from Jell-O in cars down a dangerously steep ramp during the Blaine festival. The big winner and owner of all bragging rights is Jill Brown of Jill Brown PR, quickly followed by Mary Fitzpatrick, Audra Hilse, Catherine Vesley, and Erin Freitag. 

Special thanks to professional ramp builder and hauler Denny Berg, as well as Orville Lindquist, Gina Overacker, and Theresa and Dick Fischer for their brilliant racing skills (see photo below)

This year, ACHS spent some time with middle school students writing fan fiction (shhhh...it's really historical fiction, but that sounds serious) based on the diary of Civil War veteran James Groat.

More about the project