
Aspen Filmfest : See What’s New with Aspen Film’s FilmEducates Program

Arts and Entertainment

October 19, 2022

From: Aspen Filmfest

See What’s New with Aspen Film’s FilmEducates Program!

Aspen Film is a leading voice in youth engagement through the arts. For more than 25 years, arts education and community involvement in youth development have been at the center
of Aspen Film’s mission. The purpose of FilmEducates is simple — to promote
the democratizing power of film to cultivate understanding and empathy through
great storytelling.

That's a Wrap!
FilmEducates at Filmfest 2022

It was a blast presenting a school-wide screening and live zoom conversation (470+ student and teacher attendees!) with director Ryan White of GOOD NIGHT OPPY, the Opening Night film at Filmfest, as well as piloting our first-ever, student-produced filmmaker interview.  We had the pleasure of chatting with visiting director, Julia Mintz about her moving feature documentary FOUR WINTERS

Educators, Shortsfest is just around the corner (April 10 – 15, 2023), so please reach out about more incredible upcoming opportunities for your students. And guess what? It's FREE!

New Initiative & Curriculum Development:
“Cultural Geography through Short Films”

Providing access to view, talk about, and reflect on independent films from around the world offers students a chance to dive deeper into themes such as immigration, the environment, mental health, coming-of-age, history, civics and world culture. This semester, Aspen Film partners with Bridges High School in Carbondale to create a six-week film survey using films from our Shortsfest archives to teach themes around cultural geography. This program includes course credit. Check out this whiteboard and its message in the classroom window.

Featured Film:
Film Camp 2022 Student Film about the Isis Theatre

Aspen Film had BIG NEWS this fall with its announcement of the acquisition of the Isis Theatre in Aspen. Along with mainstream movies and independent films, the space will be used for educational programming and community partnerships. Please enjoy this short film created by young Film Camp participants this summer, detailing the history of the
Isis Theatre.

Meet the FilmEducates Team

Everyone at Aspen Film touches education programming in one way or another. The FilmEducates department of Regna and Roger invite you to reach out to them directly to learn how you can get involved.

Email Regna Frank Jones, Head of Education Development + Programs

Email Roger Ramos, Education Coordinator