
Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Teen Newsletter - April-May 2023

Schools and Libraries

April 10, 2023

From: Berlin-Peck Memorial Library

Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Teen Services

April & May 2023

News & Events

1st Annual Poetry and Art Exhibit

Located in the Library Meeting Room from April 10th-29th.

Join us for an Exhibit Reception & Poetry Reading on Wednesday, April 19th at 6:30 pm. Refreshments will be served!

Pencils & Pieces

April 6th & 20th
6:00-7:30 PM

Join us for a night of fun board games and creative sketching using our wide collection of games and How-To-Draw Books! No registration required.

The library will be undergoing some updates in the month of May that will limit the number of programs we are able to provide to our community. We are looking forward to new paint, carpet and other updates to better serve our patrons! Thank you for your understanding as our calender will look different than usual!

Interested in Volunteering at the Library this Summer?

Summer is right around the corner and we are looking for volunteers entering grades 7-12 to assist with helping with our Out of This World Summer Reading Program!! Complete an application by clicking on the link below.

Teen Volunteer Application