
Bethel Church And Ministries Weekly eBulletin - December 11, 2022

Religion and Spirituality

December 12, 2022

From: Bethel Church And Ministries

Good Morning, Bethel Church!

We are excited to worship with you this morning as we continue our sermon series, The Upper Room.

Not able to attend in person? That’s okay!
Join us live on our websiteYoutube, or Facebook

Join the online service

Christmas Eve Services
The Christmas season is special here at Bethel Church! Whether you’re exploring Christianity for the first time, or it’s been a part of your life for many years, we invite you and your family to join us for our Christmas Eve celebration! Kids Ministry will be provided from birth to Kindergarten. Click the link below for service times at each of our campuses.

Please note that there will only be one service on Sunday, Christmas Day, at 10:45am at our Crown Point campus.

Learn More

Elder Prayer

One of the biblical responsibilities of church elders is to pray over those who are sick – sometimes through a symbolic anointing with oil. This responsibility is described in James 5:14 which says: “Is any among you sick? Let him call the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.” Bethel Church elders at every location are regularly available to meet with the hurting and sick of our congregation for this purpose.

To connect with some elders and have them pray for your need, please share your situation with us by emailing [email protected].

Our elders consider it a great privilege to care for suffering people in this way.

Click here to watch Bethel Backstage Episode 25 - The Trinity

General Fund Financial Update
Weekly Need: $127,212
Received This Week: $136,646
Year-to-Date Budget Deficit: $515,624

More & Better Update
Total Pledges: $2.461M
Total Pledges Received to Date: $2.457M
Outstanding Pledges Remaining: $4,174
Unpledged Amount Received to Date: $423K

Thank you for your partnership. It is because of you
we are able to share the gospel. Your giving makes a difference!

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