
Breaking: Sam Brown Faces FEC Complaint For Potential Illegal Coordination Between Personal Super PAC and Senate Campaign

Government and Politics

September 12, 2024

On Sep 12th, campaign finance watchdog group End Citizens United filed a formal complaint with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) against MAGA extremist Sam Brown, alleging an illegal in-kind contribution this year from Brown’s personal Super PAC, Duty First Nevada PAC, to Brown’s Senate campaign. 

The complaint details how the Super PAC appears to be bankrolling the production of a high-quality video that the campaign then used in advertising – an apparent violation of federal campaign finance law.

Sam Brown has previously faced campaign finance and ethics complaints, including over the scam PAC Brown set up in 2022 that swindled donors by purporting to “help elect Republicans,” but instead was almost entirely used to pay off his campaign debts – a move one campaign finance expert even likened to a “slush fund.” Brown is also the subject of a Department of Justice complaint over his failure to disclose his role as a Nevada leader of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, an extreme anti-abortion group, to the Senate Ethics Committee.

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz

“Sam Brown’s repeated attempts to deceive voters and ignore campaign finance rules make clear just how little regard he has for the law. This disqualifying behavior shows that Brown is nothing more than a career politician who will do or say anything, even breaking campaign finance laws with his personal Super PAC, if it helps him get elected.”

Read about Sam Brown’s shady dealings below:

KTVN: Watchdog group files third FEC complaint against Sam Brown

Josh Meny 

September 11, 2024

  • Campaign ads are everywhere during the final stretch of the 2024 election cycle, making it a multi-billion-dollar industry each election. However, there are federal rules and regulations regarding the dissemination of this information.
  • A national campaign finance watchdog organization has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission against Sam Brown.
  • “Look, we think Sam Brown is a walking campaign finance violation. This is actually our third FEC complaint against him this cycle alone because he continues to violate the rules,” said End Citizens United President Tiffany Muller.
  • End Citizens United says the Sam Brown campaign accepted work illegally for the production of a campaign video that appeared on social media. 
  • “Now we’re seeing ads that are valued at tens of thousands of dollars from another super PAC. He is just clearly unwilling to follow the law. We’re going to continue to hold him accountable,” said Muller.
  • The payments in question are between Sam Brown’s campaign, Duty First Nevada Pac, and Pathfinder Strategies, which produced the b-roll.
  • End Citizens United emphasizes that super PACs cannot directly contribute to or provide anything of value to political campaigns, as stipulated by the Federal Election Campaign Act.
  • The fine for this specific violation could amount to the cost of the service, which in this case would be approximately $34,000.
  • The crux of the End Citizens United case against Brown is that he was discovered coordinating and offsetting costs with a Super PAC.
  • “We spend a lot of time working to root out corruption in our system. And, to hold people accountable for following the rules on the books,” said Muller.