
Brookfield Senior Center Newsletter - November 2023

Clubs and Organizations

October 24, 2023

From: Brookfield Senior Center

Click Here to open the November Newsletter

Click Here to complete online Monthly Registration Form.

Click Here To complete online November Lunch Registration Form

Salute to Veterans
Thursday, November 9 at Noon
Open for seating at 11:45 a.m.

Three cheers for the red, white, and blue! We honor those who have served, and their families that have sacrificed.

Join your fellow veterans from Brookfield and the VFW for a luncheon thanking you for your service. Tara Carr, First Selectwoman and veteran, will open the event and then pass the baton to Marty Foncello, State Representative for the 107th district and John Kennedy, Jason D. Lewis Brookfield Memorial VFW Post 10201. The program will continue with a presentation about the Battle of Britain in WWII from historian Art Gottlieb.

Lunch will be provided, compliments of The Linden of Brookfield.
Please sign up by November 3 on the enclosed form.

AARP Safe Driving
Friday, November 3 from 9:00 – 1:00 p.m.

The AARP Driver Safety Class provides a refresher of driving rules and teaches valuable defensive driving skills, safety strategies, and tips. Connecticut residents aged 60 and older who complete this class will qualify for a minimum of a 5 percent automobile liability insurance discount for at least two years.

You must pay in advance to register – your check holds your spot in the class. Cost is $20/AARP members and $25/nonmembers. Checks only - made payable to AARP Safe Driving.

A few notes from the office:

- Our Inclement Weather Policy: if Brookfield schools are closed due to weather, the Brookfield Senior Center is closed for regular programming. If there is a weather-related delay, we open on time, but all exercise classes that begin before 10:00 a.m. are cancelled. In case of unusual closings or if you have any questions, please call the Center at 203-775-5308.
- We use a call/text feature to update you on closings, class, and program changes. You may receive a call from 617-855-0125 or text from 855-951-2842 and it may be marked as “potential spam.” To receive this message, you may have to add “My Senior Center” with this number as a contact to make sure this number is not blocked.
- Many of our classes and programs fill up quickly. We continue to urge you to sign up on the day registration begins (November 20 for December classes). However, we also ask you to give us a courtesy call if you are unable to attend a program you have signed up for. Without your attendance, we may not be able to continue offering some of the programs you enjoy as many have a fee associated with them.
- With cold and flu season almost here, just a gentle reminder to please stay home and take care of yourself if you don’t feel well. Protect yourself and your friends from passing illness along.
- Our protocol for dealing with Medical or other events involving sickness or injury: call 911 and let our Emergency responders assess the situation. They are committed to providing care to our members when needed; it is never a problem or a burden. Once EMTs arrive, we will urge you to follow their professional advice.

Senior Center Book Club
Wednesday, November 29 at 1:30 p.m.

Our book for November is Shanghai Girls by Lisa See. This book explores the bonds of sisterhood while powerfully evoking the often-nightmarish American immigrant experience.

Books will be on reserve for us at the Brookfield Library. Please sign up on the enclosed form.

Corn Hole
Tuesday, November 7 and 21
at 11:30 a.m.

Please note the new time

Join us and learn how to play Corn Hole - a great game for everyone. Our group of players is growing and there is always room for one more. We often hear fun and laughter happening during this activity!

No registration required – just show up for the fun.

Escape with Us!

Wednesday, December 6 – Join us for lunch at the fully decorated Student Prince Café in Springfield, MA, followed by a trip to MGM Springfield Casino and a tour of Bright Nights at Forest Park nearby. This location is listed as one of the “Top Ten Holiday Happenings in America.” Cost is $125pp. Waitlist Only.

Thursday, November 16
at 1:00 p.m.

Join us for an afternoon of fun and prizes with a return sponsor, Kay Schrieber, Synergy HomeCare. This is a fabulous way to spend a cold, Autumn afternoon with friends.

This is a free event and no lunch will be served. Please sign up on the enclosed form.

Garden Club of Brookfield
Tuesday, November 14
at 10:30 a.m.  

Join our friends from the Garden Club of Brookfield as we make an evergreen wall or door hanging. Winter and the holidays are just around the corner and we all want to get into the festive mood.

Space is limited for this special event so please sign up early.

Walking Through Winter
With Peg Peterson
Wednesday, November 15 at 10:30 a.m.

Walking to the mailbox? Taking a hike on the Greenway? Shoveling your driveway?

Join Peg Peterson, Appalachian Trail Guide, Brookfield resident, and Senior Center member for tips on how to tackle Winter safely and enjoy the outdoors, especially when there is snow and ice on the ground. We all need the Vitamin D and a little snow should not deter us from taking in the beauty of a New England Winter. This will be a short presentation and an optional walk on the Town property after the discussion.

Please sign up on the enclosed form.

From Ryan Soto, MA, Social Services Coordinator

CT Energy Assistance Program (CEAP)   

We are now making appointments for CEAP. With oil prices varying and changes in Eversource programs like the Matching Payment Plan and NuStart, to tier discount plans (10% or 50%). It is now more important to apply for CEAP to get more financial assistance with your electric bill. If your income is no more than $41,553(individuals) and $54,338(couples), you may be eligible for assistance with your heating bills (income limits may vary). Those who have electric as their secondary heating source will also be able to get this tier discount plan as well as. The clients that have heat included in their rents may also apply to CEAP. To apply, and find out the required documents, please contact Ryan at 203-775-7312

Unfortunately, the Community Action Agency no longer has the program that assists residents with their water/sewer usage.

Are You Saving the Most Money on Your Prescription Drugs?

Open enrollment for Medicare D runs until December 7. It’s a good idea to make sure that you have the best plan for 2024, since these plans can change. If you haven’t already, you should soon receive a notice from your Medicare D or Medicare Advantage Plan informing you of changes for the coming year. If you do nothing, your current plan will automatically roll over for 2024. To check on your plan and review other plans, please call the Center to request the paperwork. Once you complete and return the forms, a certified CHOICES counselor will contact you for a telephone appointment to help you find the best plan for you.

Looking for Medical and/or Dental Coverage

Access Health Open Enrollment will start November 1, 2023, and will run until January 15, 2024, for the 2024 year. This is for anyone who is looking for any or more medical and/or dental coverage.  Please go to their website at www.accesshealthct.com or call 1-855-805-4325.                 

Blood Pressure Screening/ Nurses visit
Wednesday, November 22 from 11:00 a.m. – noon

Tracey Cahill, RN will be available at the Senior Center on Wednesday, November 22 starting at 11:00 a.m. for drop in visits and blood pressure screening. This is a great opportunity to stay on track with your health on a regular basis.

Grief Connections with Ben
Monday, November 20 at 11:00 a.m.

Grief is a normal response to loss that can be overwhelming, painful, and personal. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, and this difficult process allows us to build resilience through our hardships while learning to make sense of our new reality.

Learning how to adapt does not mean forgetting or ignoring those we cherish, it

means finding new ways to build memories and social connections, understanding our purpose, and continuing to move forward with our lives.

You are invited to come share your thoughts, express your feelings, and explore ways to work through these painful experiences with others who are doing the same.

Improve Your Mind & Body

Yoga with Eileen: Mondays at 10:00 a.m. This yoga class includes postures to work on strength, flexibility, balance, and movement to make your feel stronger. Bring your own floor mat.

NEW TIME! Back in Balance with Jess - Entry Level Class: Mondays at 1:15 p.m. and Thursdays at 11:30 a.m.  Gently work on balance, range of motion, flexibility, and strength. Gentle enough for those with arthritis or other limitations. Learn about your body and its asymmetries.

Cardio Dance Party with Matt: Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. Come for the party music and stay for the dance moves. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to dance with Matt every Tuesday morning.

Tai Chi Basics: Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. Enjoy the graceful flowing movements of Tai Chi while building strength and increasing stamina. Learn the basics of this evidence-based form with supportive simplified instruction. Perfect for beginners and for all levels of physical ability.

Line Dancing with Jill: Tuesdays at 1:30 p.m., Jill is a premier line dance instructor, known for her skill, patience, and positive style.  Everyone will enjoy this fun and entertaining class. Beginners welcome.

Tai Chi with Susan: Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m., Tai Chi is one of the most effective exercises to improve balance and reduce your risk of falls. Susan’s gentle encouragement and enthusiasm will help you quickly feel the benefits of this class.

Functional Strength and Balance with Cassie – Intermediate Level Class: Wednesdays at 1:15 p.m. The focus of this class is on movement and range of motion exercises through all the joints and muscles in your body with multiple directional movements. Bring your hand weights.

Chair Yoga with Eileen: Wednesdays at 2:30 p.m. You get all the benefits of movement and breath work without having to get down on the floor. This class is appropriate for beginner and advanced.

Bandstand Boogie with Matt: Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. This fun and easy class mixes basic choreography with freestyle movements. No dance experience needed. Open to all fitness levels.

Movement, Strength, and Mobility with Eileen: Fridays at 10:30 a.m. Join us to increase joint flexibility and strengthen your body and mind. Bring your own light hand weights and a small ball. Class includes movement, strength training and balance work that can be adapted to your level.

Please consult your personal physician before beginning any new exercise class. Wear appropriate footwear and clothing and always bring your water.

New Classes this month!

Restorative Yoga with Elizabeth – Thursdays at 4:00 p.m.

The focus of restorative yoga is that through relaxing in poses, with the aid of props, without strain or pain, we can achieve physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. Join Elizabeth (Beth) Hornbeck at the end of your day to enter the evening stretched and relaxed. The cost is $10 per class and is paid monthly, directly payable to the instructor (cost for November is $40). Please register and pay in advance.

Seated Stretch and Conditioning with Kim – Fridays at noon

Beginning Friday, November 17

Kim Downs is an Occupational Therapist who has taught people how to care for their bodies for 25+ years. Do you feel stiff? Experiencing changes in posture? Attend this class to learn how to properly stretch, condition, and care for your body. This group can be performed in sitting with the option to stand as able. Come ready to learn, have a good workout, and feel better! All ability levels are welcome. This class is free this month, but we ask that you register so we know how many are coming.

Medical Alert Devices
Wednesday, November 1 at 10:00 a.m.

Want to stay more independent? That’s terrific, but you must arm yourself with the latest information about medical alert devices and how they work. How do they assist you? What’s available out there and how much they cost? It’s a busy marketplace in the medical alert business and Stacy McIvor, MS, OTR/L of RESTORE Mobile Therapy will be here to straighten it all out for us.

There are members who pass you by every day while here at the Center that are wearing a medical alert device. You’ve had no idea as it is very well hidden. Join us for a very important session on how to protect yourself and how to help your family know you are safe on your own. Please sign up on the enclosed form.

Brain and Body Fitness with Stacey McIvor
New Monthly Program
Wednesday, November 8 at 10:00 a.m.

Stacey McIvor MS,OTR/L of RESTORE Mobile Therapy is joining us to present a new and engaging monthly class you won’t want to miss. This is not similar to Brain Games, but a connection between brain and body movement!

Brain and Body Fitness is a fun and interactive class that will keep both your mind and your body engaged by playing a variety of activities made for all levels. We might use beach balls, noodles, and racquets. Join us to improve your mental sharpness, body awareness, coordination, and endurance. You will go home with homework, just like you do for physical therapy, but this homework is fun!

Please sign up on the enclosed form. This class is limited, as per request of the instructor, so sign up early.

Sound Healing Meditation
With Regional Hospice
Monday, November 27 at 2:30 p.m.

Sound is one of our most primitive experiences. It's something we respond deeply to, naturally. Enjoy a guided meditation and sound healing by Jennifer Bell Finnegan, Regional Hospice, using Tibetan singing bowls to lull you into a deep state of relaxation. It's soothing, as the sound vibrations flow through your body to help ease pain and quiet your busy mind. Sign up early, the space is limited by the instructor.

Please register on the enclosed form.

Monthly Brain Games from the Brain Health Toolbox
Wednesday, November 29 at 10:00 a.m.

Preventing and treating forms of dementia are largely driven by lifestyle and the choices we make daily. Come use one tool from the brain health toolkit. Join Danielle Ramos, Bethel Health Care, for a fun hour of memory joggers and trivia. Register on the enclosed form.

Mark your Calendars:

Men’s Breakfast – Friday, November 3 at 9:00 a.m. Register and pay on the enclosed form by Wednesday, November 1. The cost is $4 per person.

Reflexology with Eileen – Friday, October 3 and 17. Foot Reflexology is a natural healing practice based on the principle that reflexes in the feet correspond to parts of the body. Cost is $35 for a 30-minute session payable directly to Eileen Byrnes. Contact her to make an appointment. [email protected].

Brookfield Knights of Columbus lunch delivery - Saturday, November 11. Community volunteers deliver a hot lunch to Brookfield seniors every month. Please use the enclosed registration form to sign up by Thursday, November 2. Delivery is between 11:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. You must be home to accept delivery.

Friends of Brookfield Senior Center (FOBSC) – Tuesday, November 14, noon. Join the Board and employees at the Center to discuss activities, programming, and events. No registration required.

Blood Pressure Screening – Wednesday, November 22 from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon. Let us help you stay on track with healthy blood pressure. Tracey Cahill, RN will be available for drop in visits.

Coloring Club - Mondays at 1:30 p.m. Get out of the house and enjoy the company of others while having some fun coloring. Adult coloring has shown to help reduce stress, boost mental clarity, exercise fine motor skills, and help train the brain to focus. Bring your own coloring supplies or use ours.

Handiwork Group – Tuesdays at 10:00 a.mBring your own knitting, quilting, crocheting or cross-stitch project and enjoy the company of other talented members. This is a great way to make new friends.

Art with Adele - Tuesdays, 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Bring your own supplies and painting project and join Adele and friends. Register on the enclosed form.

Bridge, Mahjongg, Poker, Pinochle and Games – Tuesdays, 1:00 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. and Thursdays at 1:00 – 5:45 p.m. Gather your table and join us for cards and games on Tuesdays and Thursdays. You can play either or both days. We’ll be setting up the poker table on Thursdays.

Let’s Talk- Wednesdays at 10:45 a.m. This friendly group will gather to connect and chat. Just walk in and join this fun and lively group.

Movie Matinees: Please register so we know how many seats to set up

Thursday, November 2 at 1:00 p.m. The Little Mermaid. The youngest of King Triton's daughters, Ariel is a beautiful and spirited young mermaid with a thirst for adventure. Longing to find out more about the world beyond the sea, Ariel visits the surface and falls for the dashing Prince Eric. Following her heart, she makes a deal with the evil sea witch, Ursula, to experience life on land. (2h19m; Halle Bailey, Jonah Hauer-King, Daveed Diggs and Awkwafina )

Thursday, November 30 at 1:00 p.m. Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning. Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) and the IMF team must track down a terrifying new weapon that threatens all of humanity if it falls into the wrong hands. With control of the future and the fate of the world at stake, a deadly race around the globe begins. Confronted by a mysterious, all-powerful enemy, Ethan is forced to consider that nothing can matter more than the mission can -- not even the lives of those he cares about most. (2h46m.)

What Can I Do About my Skyrocketing Electric Bill?

Many of you have been asking questions about changing your energy supplier. With electric costs going up every year, this is something we should all pay attention to on a regular basis to keep your costs to a minimum.

A general approach to your potential cost savings is:

- Collect electricity rates: Gather the information on the current electricity rates offered by Eversource and other independent providers. This information can be found at www.energizect.com. Rates are usually measured in cents per kilowatt hour.
- Understand your personal usage: Assess the annual electricity consumption of your home. This information is found on your monthly electric bill: usage varies from month to month. An average annual usage for a 2,500 square foot home is 12,000kwh.
- Calculate your potential savings: Once you have the different rates and annual consumption you can calculate your potential savings: Annual consumption in kWh * price difference per kWh

Remember that Eversource changes their electricity prices twice a year on January 1 and July 1. Take a few minutes each month to monitor your electric bill and compare your annual rate to the best deals available on www.energizect.com.

This year’s prices have been particularly volatile with Eversource rates jumping to $0.24/kWh for the first six months and dropping to $0.14/kWh for the second six months. There were always lower price suppliers available. The 2,500 square foot home mentioned above would have saved approximately $640 by switching to the lowest priced supplier.

What if your head is still spinning with kWh?

What if you don’t have a computer?

We have a volunteer ready and willing to walk you through the process. Call the senior center and ask for an appointment with Jack and he will assist you. 203-775-5308.