
CAGOP Statement on Joe Biden Withdrawing and Endorsing Kamala Harris in the 2024 Presidential Race

Government and Politics

July 21, 2024

On July 21, 2024, California Republican Party Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson released the following statement on Joe Biden withdrawing from the 2024 presidential race and endorsing California Democrat Kamala Harris:

“It’s hard to believe it’s possible for Democrats to fall further into disarray, but here we are. Going forward, Democrats will have to grapple with two questions: if Joe Biden is unfit to serve four more years, is he fit to serve the remainder of his term? And is disastrous California Democrat Kamala Harris, who enabled a clearly declining Biden during his time as president, really the best backup option? President Biden tasked her with solving the border crisis, and in turn, she made our country less safe, allowing millions more to flood into our country illegally. As California’s top cop, she allowed criminals to thrive, including refusing to stop Prop. 47 that still wreaks havoc on our state today. Just as she failed on behalf of the Golden State, something Californians remember all too well, Harris owns the failed Biden-Harris agenda that led to rising prices, a weakened global standing, failing schools and surging crime. Republicans are united behind President Trump and will be ready for whoever the Democrats decide is their best bad option to support.”