
Chairman Powers Condemns Attack on Pres. Trump

Government and Politics

July 13, 2024

Rhode Island Republican Party Chairman Joe Powers Condemns Attack on President Donald Trump

Warwick, RI - Rhode Island Republican Party Chairman Joe Powers has issued a strong condemnation of the recent attack on President Donald Trump. In his statement, Chairman Powers highlighted the continuous efforts to undermine the former president through various means, including impeachment, indictments, attempts to jail him, and now an attempted assassination.

“The relentless attacks on President Trump have reached a new and horrifying low with this recent attempt on his life,” said Chairman Joe Powers. “They have impeached him, indicted him, and tried to jail him. Now, they have resorted to an attempted assassination. It makes you want to ask, what are they so afraid of?”

Chairman Powers continued, “We are all praying for President Trump, his family, and everyone involved. This is a critical moment for our nation, and we must stand united against such acts of violence and intimidation.”

The Rhode Island Republican Party remains steadfast in its support for President Trump and his vision for America. Chairman Powers calls on all Americans, regardless of political affiliation, to condemn this attack and work together to uphold the principles of democracy and justice.