
Chairman’s Update: Honoring the Legacy of Congressman Bill Pascrell, Jr.

Government and Politics

August 30, 2024


We have all suffered a profound loss with the passing of Congressman Bill Pascrell. Bill was not only a longtime friend but also a figure admired far beyond New Jersey. His life’s work is a testament to his unwavering dedication to public service, first as a teacher, then an Assemblyman, and ultimately as a distinguished member of Congress. His remarkable achievements will resonate for generations to come.

Bill was never one to shy away from a challenge. He stood firm against some of Chris Christie’s most controversial policies and was a fierce advocate in the fight against Donald Trump, playing a crucial role in securing Trump’s tax returns after a relentless pursuit. One of his favorite achievements included making the Great Falls of Paterson into a national park. His numerous achievements throughout his distinguished career will leave a lasting impact for generations to come. This week, I took a moment along with hundreds of friends, family, and supporters, to pay my final respects to the Congressman at his viewing and funeral.

Bill Pascrell was truly New Jersey’s Progressive Fighter and he will be missed.

You can read my full statement here.

— Chairman LeRoy J. Jones, Jr.

Statement by Governor Murphy on the Passing of Congressman Bill Pascrell

“Tammy and I are deeply saddened by the passing of our dear friend Congressman Bill Pascrell, a giant of New Jersey and a lifelong champion for our most vulnerable neighbors.

A son of the south side of Paterson, Bill developed a passion for public service at a young age. He grew up in a tight-knit Italian American family that instilled in him a tireless work ethic, a deep devotion to giving back to his community, and an unwavering instinct for drawing strength from our state’s diversity. He was a unifier in every sense of the word— and always sought to bring the people of New Jersey together around our shared principles.

For Bill, public service came in many forms. He educated our nation’s students as a history teacher, as well as an adjunct professor. He served our nation in uniform. And he also served our neighbors in the Silk City as Mayor, as well as a member of the State Assembly.

But for many New Jerseyans, Bill will be remembered most fondly for leading the fight for our families in Congress over the past 27 years. At every stage of his Congressional career, he stood up for our neighbors by defending access to reproductive health care, keeping our communities safe from gun violence, supporting our law enforcement officers and first responders, protecting our natural wonders — like Paterson’s Great Falls — and so much more.

Throughout his life, Bill proved to all of us what it means to live up to our New Jersey values. Tammy and I will miss him dearly.

We send our heartfelt condolences and prayers to his wife, Elsie, as well as their three children — Bill, David, and Glenn — and six grandchildren.”

President Biden Pays Tribute to Congressman Pascrell

“Bill was a colleague and dear friend. I had the privilege of working with him for decades on issues ranging from the Fire Grants and Safety Act for the wellbeing of first responders and their families, to veterans’ medical care, international trade, tax fairness, labor unions, and so much more,” Biden said.

Over the course of our 30-year friendship, Bill defined himself as a devoted patriot, a gentleman, and an exemplary leader,” the president continued. “A beloved bridge-builder and champion for working-class people, Bill fought relentlessly to ensure their voices and needs were at the center of policymaking. I always knew Bill’s positions were guided by his deep conscience and convictions.”