
Chicago Sinfonietta’s : CEO And President Blake-Anthony Johnson Chicago Tribune's Chicagoan of the Year 2022 in the Arts - Classical Music

Arts and Entertainment

December 22, 2022

From: Chicago Sinfonietta

The Chicago Tribune this morning announced its "Chicagoans of the Year 2022" and named Chicago Sinfonietta's own Blake-Anthony Johnson, CEO & President, as its Classical Music Chicagoan of the Year, with the title of his segment stating he "leads an orchestra for everyone." Journalist Hannah Edgar in the beginning of her piece, includes a short list of just a few of the accomplishments that Chicago Sinfonietta has achieved under Johnson  since the pandemic began, including launching an artist-in-residence program (starting with composer Kathryn Bostic), implementing a groundbreaking pay-what-you-can ticket-pricing-model that has been adopted across the nation, and announcing  a new venue and home base for the Sinfonietta as the new Resident Orchestra of the historic Auditorium Theatre. (The full article can be read or listened to now on the Tribune's website or purchased at newstands throughout the City this coming weekend.)

Chicago Sinfonietta congratulates Mr. Johnson on this truly deserved honor. You have taken the mission and passion of this institution to heart, and in doing so have not only expanded the Sinfonietta's reach, but brought a bright, national spotlight to the work this organization has done in the areas of accessibility, diversity, equity and inclusion since its founding 35 years ago.

Said Mr. Johnson:

This award feels different because it is. What a way to end the year! "For the past couple of years, all eyes have been on the Chicago Sinfonietta." The long list of Chicago Sinfonietta’s local, national, & international awards in 2022 is a reflection of the institution’s deep bench of incredible artists, staff, board members, volunteers, & patrons that collectively make up the Chicago Sinfonietta.

From my vantage point, the one thing I’m sure of is that success & teamwork are synonymous. "The Sinfonietta’s radical moves come at a time when risk-averse peer orchestras are treading water after the tempest that was the pandemic." As we end the calendar year with major back-to-back recognitions, please know it's because of YOU! Your time dedicated to our mission is incredible. For our staff & musicians’ countless hours of work, THANK YOU! For our board & volunteers expanding our relationships throughout Chicago & beyond, THANK YOU. Our wonderful patrons & donors who buy tickets, attend our programs, share & like us on social media, THANK YOU.

I wish you all the happiest of holidays & and look forward to all that’s to come ahead in 2023.

Happy New Year!

Blake-Anthony Johnson