
City Of Berkeley News - October 12, 2022

Government and Politics

October 13, 2022

From: City Of Berkeley

With Nov. 8 election approaching, find official information on candidates, measures

City elections page offers campaign finance reports, candidate statements, and complete ballot information on Berkeley measures. You can also use a nonpartisan source to find information about statewide candidates and propositions.

Learn how to find all of the official information about the Nov. 8 races and measures as well as about Ranked Choice Voting, which could be used in several city races if there is no outright winner.

Use the City website to find campaign finance reports, candidate statements, and also complete ballot information on Berkeley measures. You can also use a nonpartisan source to find information about statewide candidates and propositions.

As ballots are mailed out this week, the combination of city and statewide information can help you get the official version of election materials and better prepare to vote.

Use City election page for local information

There are several measures and candidate elections on the Berkeley ballot:

3 Berkeley-specific ballot measures
four City Council seats
three School Board seats
five Rent Stabilization Board seats
Visit the City’s elections page to review campaign finance reports and candidate statements as well as complete ballot measure information on the three Berkeley measures.

Ballot information on statewide candidates and propositions can be found at the non-partisan Voters Edge California.

Ranked Choice Voting used for certain races

The Council and Auditor races will use "ranked choice voting," which allows voters to mark their first through fifth choice candidates in order of preference and avoids a runoff election.

If a candidate gets a majority of first place votes, they win. However, if no candidate gets more than 50 percent of first place votes, the ranked choice process determines the winner in these races.

First, the candidate with the fewest first place votes is eliminated.
Second, voters who selected the eliminated last place candidate have their votes transferred to their second choice. If they didn't choose a second choice, they do not have a vote in the second round.
Third, votes are re-counted to see if there is a candidate with more than 50 percent of the vote.
If no candidate receives more than 50 percent, the process of eliminating the last place candidate and transferring votes is repeated until a majority winner is declared.
Alameda County posts all Ranked Choice Voting results for 2016, 2014, 2012, and 2010 for Berkeley, Oakland and San Leandro, the three cities in the County that use this runoff method. In Berkeley, the 2016 District 2 contest provides an example of how Ranked Choice Voting has been used.

Ranked Choice Voting is sometimes called "instant run-off voting" but that does not mean the election is decided on Election night. All ballots are processed and counted before a race is decided.

With the election less than a month away, use these resources to find your official information.


City of Berkeley Elections Page
Ranked Choice Voting (Alameda County Registrar of Voters)
Voters Edge (non-partisan statewide information)

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October 15 Harvest Festival celebrates Berkeley’s sustainable food culture
harvest festival
Come out for our annual Harvest Festival, a chance to honor the Fall with food, live music, and kids' activities that celebrate our city's thriving culture of growing and making our own food. 

You can also come to learn more about how we serve Berkeley by meeting staff from a variety of City Departments, including 311, Public Works, Aging Services, Mental Health, Police, Fire, the Library, and the Rent Board.

This free festival showcases foods grown, harvested, and prepared by members of the Berkeley community.

Whether you’re coming for the festival or a chance to mingle with City staff, join us.

Read more at berkeleyca.gov.

Practice for an earthquake on Oct. 20: “Drop, cover, and hold on” in shakeout earthquake drill
Shake out drill
Join in with Berkeleyans throughout the city on October 20th and take part in a five-minute earthquake drill no matter where you are.

At 10:20am on October 20th, practice the three things that everyone should do during an earthquake:

DROP to the ground
Take COVER by getting under a sturdy desk or table
HOLD ON to it until the shaking stops
For those in a wheelchair or using a walker:

LOCK the wheels of your walker or wheelchair
COVER your tucked head with your arms and hands
HOLD ON to the wheelchair or walker until the shaking stops
Learning and practicing how to "drop, cover, and hold on" is a brief commitment that can save your life.

Knowing what to do in the moment is only one piece of preparedness. Learn how to better protect yourself and your household by looking at what you can do before, during and after an earthquake.

Read more at berkeleyca.gov.

October City run vaccine opportunities

Every?Tuesday in October
South Berkeley Clinic (6 months+)
Tarea Hall Pittman South Branch Library, 1901 Russell St.
Clinic hours: 11:00 a.m.– 6:00 p.m.
Registration and appointment link

See more planned vaccine clinics.

More news from the City of Berkeley

Coffee, wine, and ceramics: Explore what’s made in Berkeley Oct. 11–14, 2022, October 4, 2022

Test drive and explore benefits of electric bikes, scooters, and cars on Oct. 15, September 30, 2022

Register to vote by October 24 to vote in the November 8 election, September 22, 2022

Berkeley seniors have more options for classes, services, and social opportunities, September 20, 2022

Get new booster to strengthen your defenses against COVID-19, including Omicron, September 16, 2022

Learn about discounted rooftop solar and battery storage for homeowners, September 9, 2022

Neighborhood parking restrictions in effect for Cal football games, starting Sept. 3, September 1, 2022

Check your City Council district as it may have changed after redistricting, August 24, 2022

Sign up for AC Alert to get official emergency information, August 18, 2022

Click Here To View The City Of Berkeley News - October 12, 2022