
City Of Berkeley News - October 21, 2022

Government and Politics

October 26, 2022

From: City Of Berkeley

On Oct. 26, learn and give input on plans to redesign Telegraph Avenue

A redesigned Telegraph Avenue will improve safety for people walking, bicycling, and taking transit.

Give input, ask questions, and learn more at a virtual meeting about redesigning a section of Telegraph Avenue from Dwight Way to Woolsey Street.

We will share potential designs for Telegraph Avenue, which will include:

-transit improvements to make the bus more reliable

-protected bike lanes to provide a safe cycling space separate from car traffic

-pedestrian improvements to make it safer to cross the street

Come to the meeting, see what’s being proposed, and weigh in.

October 26 virtual meeting

Learn and ask questions about the concept designs for Telegraph Avenue between Dwight Way and Woolsey Street. You will have the opportunity to give input on the designs in breakout rooms.

Redesigning Telegraph Ave Community Meeting
Wednesday, October 26, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Join on Zoom
Meeting ID: 833 9808 8684

Your attendance helps us capture a broad set of experiences.

Improving safety and public transit needs

The Telegraph Multimodal Corridor Project aims to make it safer and easier for people to use more sustainable modes of travel, such as biking or taking public transit.

This project was recommended as a high priority in the 2017 Bicycle Plan, which was created through extensive public engagement. The project also aligns with the City's Transit-First Policy, as Telegraph is a major corridor for AC Transit.

Send questions or comments via email and check the project website for updates. Most of all, join us for our first meeting on October 26 and give input on redesigning Telegraph Avenue.


-Redesigning Telegraph Ave Community Meeting

-Telegraph Multimodal Corridor Project

-2017 Bicycle Plan

-City of Berkeley Transit-First Policy

Voters can send their ballots for the November 8 election by U.S. mail, deliver them to election drop boxes, or, over the last 11 days of the election, to new voting centers – sites where people can also register and vote in person.

The voting centers, which replace neighborhood polling places, will be spread across Berkeley. Postmark your mailed ballot by Nov. 8 or deliver it to a voting center or drop box by 8:00 pm that night.

These shifts come as all registered voters have been sent a mailed ballot and a postage-paid return envelope, expanding access to voting to more people.

Read more at berkeleyca.gov.

City run vaccine clinics

Every?Tuesday in October

South Berkeley Clinic (6 months+) 
Tarea Hall Pittman South Branch Library, 1901 Russell St. 
Clinic hours: 11:00 a.m.– 6:00 p.m.
Registration and appointment link 

October 28 and November 2

Drive-up Clinic (12 years+)
Bayer Parking Lot, 2500 Eighth St.
Clinic hours: 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Registration and appointment link

See more planned vaccine clinics.

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