
City Of Berkeley News - October 6, 2022

Government and Politics

October 8, 2022

From: City Of Berkeley

Practice for an earthquake on Oct. 20: “Drop, cover, and hold on” in shakeout earthquake drill

Earthquakes are an inevitable part of Berkeley's future. Acting now prepares Berkeleyans for the immediate impact of shaking. Being safe and prepared also helps everyone bounce back quickly from an earthquake's effects.

Join in with Berkeleyans throughout the city on October 20th and take part in a five-minute earthquake drill no matter where you are.

At 10:20am on October 20th, practice the three things that everyone should do during an earthquake:

  • DROP to the ground
  • Take COVER by getting under a sturdy desk or table
  • HOLD ON to it until the shaking stops

For those in a wheelchair or using a walker:

  • LOCK the wheels of your walker or wheelchair
  • COVER your tucked head with your arms and hands
  • HOLD ON to the wheelchair or walker until the shaking stops

Learning and practicing how to "drop, cover, and hold on" is a brief commitment that can save your life.

Knowing what to do in the moment is only one piece of preparedness. Learn how to better protect yourself and your household by looking at what you can do before, during and after an earthquake.

Register yourself or your shakeout event

Register at the ShakeOut Website to receive information on how to plan your drill and how to talk with others about earthquake preparedness. Use "City of Berkeley" as the "Parent Organization." You can register as an individual, family, business, religious group, or a variety of other groups.

Residents can also learn more about earthquake early warning tools by visiting the state’s Earthquake Warning California website. Earthquake early warning systems can alert you before shaking starts, giving you extra time to take cover.

After participating in the Great Shakeout, check disaster supply kits, review evacuation plans, and practice notifying loved ones of your status.

Using social media during crisis

Social media can play a critical role in the aftermath of a disaster. Phone lines can be tied up.

Knowing the social media accounts of loved ones, and posting a status there can get help or provide peace of mind to loved ones.

Those who share a picture on Twitter of their business, household, or group participating in the drill and mention @CityofBerkeley may be shared by the official City of Berkeley Twitter account.

Join neighbors, City staff, and others in our Berkeley community for the Great ShakeOut drill. "Drop, Cover, and Hold on" at 10:20 am on October 20th. 

Register for the Great ShakeOut drill


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