
City of Cloverdale Newsletter - Week of September 16, 2022

Government and Politics

September 19, 2022

From: City Of Cloverdale

Celebrate LatinX Heritage Month Starting September 15

The City of Cloverdale proclaimed September 15 - October 15 Latinx Heritage Month in the City of Cloverdale. The City Council honored Adriana Lara, owner of Panaderia El Palomo with a proclamation in recognition of her service and contributions to the community of Cloverdale. 

Please join us in honoring the Latinx members of our community as we acknowledge the many contributions, achievements, histories, and cultures of Latinx Americans. We encourage you to enjoy, learn about, and support Latinx culture now and throughout the year.

City Council Proclaims September 17-24 is Creek Week in the Russian River Watershed

On September 14th, the City Council of the City of Cloverdale proclaimed that September 19-25, 2022 is Pollution Prevention Week and September 17-24, 2022 is Creek Week in the Russian River Watershed. The City Council acknowledged the work of local resident Casey Carr and his significant volunteer efforts with the Russian River Keepers maintaining the health of our Russian River Watershed. 

The Proclamation asks all members of our community to support efforts to protect and enrich our watershed health by participating the many Pollution Prevention Week/Creek Week activities, and to take active steps to reduce pollution and care for our environment throughout the year.

The 36th Annual Russian River Watershed Cleanup - September 17

Russian Riverkeeper is pleased to announce the 36th annual Russian River Watershed Cleanup on Saturday, September 17th, 2022! This event is part of an international effort to celebrate and honor the Clean Water Act’s 50th Anniversary. Events are planned throughtout the County

The Russian River Watershed Cleanup will occur across the Russian River watershed. This signup (link below) is for First Street Bridge in Cloverdale.

About this event:

Date: Saturday September 17, 2022,
Time: 9:00 am-11:00am
Location: CLOVERDALE, First Street bridge, meeting at the cemetery

Russian River Watershed Cleanup Day – Russian Riverkeeper

It’s easy to participate.  All the gloves, trash grabbers, and bag will be provided. Volunteers will receive a special gift! Meet Casey Carr, your beach captain for check-in on location in orange clean team shirt and vest by First Street bridge at Crocker Road, entrance to the River trail next to Cloverdale cemetery, the best spot for parking.

Water Supply Update - Drought is Still Here. Save Water!

The drought is still here. Water supply levels at Lake Mendocino and Lake Sonoma remain at historic lows. 

-Sonoma County continues to experience drought conditions  Sonoma County is designated as being in Severe Drought by the U.S Drought Monitor.  Read about drought condition in Sonoma County.

-Visit the California Water Watch website and enter your address to see how much rainfall your local area has received to date. 

-View Current Water Supply Levels for Lake Pillsbury, Lake Mendocino, and Lake Sonoma Here

-Conservation requirements are still in place in the City of Cloverdale. Residents are encouraged to continue using water wisely and eliminate water wasting activities. Learn more water saving tips at savingwaterpartnership.org

-The statewide Save Our Water conservation campaign at SaveOurWater.com also provides simple ways to reduce water use in their everyday lives.

-The water reservoir storage level in Lake Mendocino in currently 62.9% of the Target Water Supply Curve for September 15 (see graphic below).

State Water Board Releases Russian River Interactive Curtailment Map

The Curtailment Status Map is an interactive mapping tool that displays the curtailment status of water rights within the Russian River watershed subject to the 2022 Emergency Regulation. The City's water rights are identified on the interactive map. 

Russian River Curtailment Status Groups Classifications include: 

-Not Curtailed


-No Reduction Required

-Reduction Required

To use the interactive map, navigate to your point of interest either by using the search box to enter an address or coordinates, or by zooming in on the map. Click on your point of interest to view more info such as Application ID, Primary Owner, Water Right Type, County, and Curtailment Status. This mapping tool is for reference and informational purposes only, please refer to the Curtailment Status List for the official status of your individual water right.

Russian River Curtailment Status Map (ca.gov)

Cloverdale Police Department Receives Fresh Coat of Paint!

The City of Cloverdale Police Department façade project was completed. The work completed by local painting contract Fitzgerald Painting included fixing existing dry rot and applying a coat of paint to all sides of the station.  

Parks Update

Parks staff completed several projects throughout City parks, open spaces and L&L Districts this week. 

The three major highlights of the week are the landscaping projects happening in our L&L Districts.

At L&L District Vintage Meadows, parks staff repaired a malfunctioning irrigation valve as well as pruned several trees, shrubs and  ground cover. The crew also spent several hours removing dead vegetation that has suffered the effects of the drought these last three years. In The Cottages District, an entire block length of landscaping was completed. This includes trimming shrubs away from the sidewalk and pruning trees up to 13ft to allow a safe clearance for sidewalk. Plans to mulch several blocks of landscaping in this district are in the works. The Sunrise Hills District also received a full day of landscaping maintenance. With the fall season quickly approaching, parks staff are taking a proactive approach to undertake additional pruning of some of the tree species that are currently going into dormancy.

All sporting fields were mowed to a designated height, as well as other fields. Plans are in development to perform a field restoration maintenance project. This will involve applying a cool season fertilizer, aerating and then planting of a fast growing cool season seed mix, with an effort to regrow grass in areas that have been effected by the drought.

Parks staff addressed several minor vegetation management requests, as well as responded to several Arborist inquiries.

Join City of Cloverdale’s Water Upgrades Save program!

Join City of Cloverdale’s Water Upgrades Save program to save water and money right away!  Our qualified contractor installs water and energy efficient upgrades like high-efficiency toilets, showerheads, and aerators. You start saving right away!

City of Cloverdale customers are saving an average of 20 percent on annual utility costs when they upgrade! 1

Follow the steps below:

-Visit www.waterupgradessave.org to enroll.

-Schedule a free home assessment to learn about your potential water savings.

-Choose your upgrades including high-efficiency toilets, showerheads, and aerators.

-Schedule your installation with a qualified program contractor.

-Begin saving water and money right away.

Enroll now at www.waterupgradessave.org

Actual savings will vary based on measures installed and customer water use.

Planning Commission Openings

Mayor Lands and the Cloverdale City Council is seeking to fill a vacant position on the Cloverdale Planning Commission. The Mayor may appoint a regular member or appoint an existing alternate member to a regular member. 

The Commission is comprised of five regular members made up of citizens who have been appointed by the City Council, for a four-year term, to review matters related to planning and development. In addition to the five regular members, two resident alternate commissioners serve for a term of two (2) years. The Commission typically holds regularly scheduled meetings on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m., to consider land use matters including such things as the General Plan, Specific Plans, rezoning, use permits, and subdivisions. 

APPLICATION PROCESS: Applications for committee/commission vacancies may be obtained online at:

Applications received by the deadline will be reviewed and considered at a regular City Council meeting. Please remit applications to the City Clerk 124 N. Cloverdale Blvd., Cloverdale, CA 95425 or by email to [email protected].

E-Waste Recycling & Mattress Recycling - Cloverdale Train Depot

Zero Waste Sonoma has partnered with Conservation Corps North Bay to conduct free electronics collection events. No appointment necessary for these events.

All events held in the parking lot. For a full list of accepted and unacceptable items, visit the web page link below.

Date: October 14 -16, 2022
Day: Friday - Sunday
Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Items Accepted: Electronic Waste Disposal | Zero Waste Sonoma

Mattress Recycling Event - Saturday October 15 Only

Recycle your clean, dry, unwanted mattresses for free at this special one-day event! Only mattresses (any size), futons, and box springs are recyclable. Limit of four units per day.

Mattress Recycling Event - Cloverdale (Train… | Zero Waste Sonoma

Regional Climate Protection Authority Completes Community GHG Inventory

RCPA is publishing its fourth inventory of communitywide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with updated data that shows a 22.9 percent reduction between 1990 and 2020. RCPA published its first inventory of emissions for the year 2010 with the release of Climate Action 2020 and Beyond in 2016. Since then, RCPA has published an updated inventory for 2015 and 2018, using the 1990 backcast data developed as part of the 2010 inventory. The 22.9 percent reduction is just over 2 percent short of meeting Sonoma County’s 2020 goal of 25 percent below 1990 levels.

Highlights from the report include:

-Emissions from energy used in buildings decreased 49 percent between 1990 and 2020, exceeding the short-term CA2020 goal of 27 percent by 2020. This reduction is primarily attributed to Sonoma Clean Power, created in 2014 to provide cleaner electricity to Sonoma County households and businesses.

-Transportation continues to be the largest source of emissions for the county. Nearly 60 percent of total countywide emissions were from transportation in 2020. A dramatic short-term reduction from 2018 to 2020 was mainly caused by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent shelter-in-place orders that were enacted. Our next inventory will be critical in evaluating longer-term travel changes that have remained in place following COVID-19. 

-Emissions from waste sent to landfills has decreased 50 percent between 1990 and 2020. Local jurisdictional efforts to comply with new state waste reduction laws over the past few years have contributed to the decrease in emissions. Between the newly adopted requirements at the State level and better local access to waste-related resources, these efforts significantly reduce overall solid waste and waste-related emissions.  

The full report can be viewed on the RCPA website.

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