
City Of Melrose News - The Importance of Completing Your Census

Government and Politics

January 24, 2023

From: City Of Melrose

The Importance of Completing Your Census

The City of Melrose has mailed out the local census and residents can expect them to land in their mailboxes within the following days. The City urges residents to return their census in person or by mail to the City Clerk’s Office, located on the first floor of City Hall at 562 Main Street.

The importance of completing your local census cannot be stressed enough as it has more of an impact on personal and local matters than is often realized.

Completing your census affects:

- Your voter registration status

- Federal funding allocated to our City ($)

- Local business decisions

- Accurate demographic information

Voter Registration Status:

To have a say in any local elections you want to be sure your voter registration is active. Keeping yourself accounted for and accurately filling out the census allows your local government to keep your voter registration active. Failure to complete the census could result in an inactive registration of your name, causing a delay on the election day when you show up to vote.

Federal Funding Allocation ($):

The size of grants and amount of funding that Melrose receives from the federal government are determined by the census count they acquire from municipalities. These funds are determined by population size and the demographic breakdowns of the City. Inaccurate population counts could result in inadequate funding which in turn impacts things like your local schools, roads, and other public work projects.

Local Business Decisions:

Melrose’s local businesses benefit from accurate census data, as it provides a look at the population trends and growth projections of the community they are serving. It informs business owners on how to make their decisions regarding expanding operations, recruiting employees, and which products and services they should offer.

Accurate Demographic Information:

Acquiring an accurate breakdown of the demographics of an area allows your local government to understand the makeup of the community better. This can impact the way the community of Melrose is served and help provide information on how your government and other agencies can adjust their policies, practices, and procedures to better suit the needs of the people in their community.

Everybody Should Complete The Census:

Whether your a renter or homeowner, your presence in Melrose matters, and completing the census has an impact in our community. It is important to have accurate demographic data so that your local government can assist in making your time living here better suited to the needs of you and your family. You will either receive the census personally or your landlord will distribute it to tenants. You can do your part by checking in with your landlord regarding receiving the census and making sure the data provided by your household is complete and accurate. Make your voice in the community has an impact.