
City of Melrose: Residents Invited to MAPC's Building Resiliency, Efficiency and Affordability Project Workshop

Government and Politics

November 21, 2022

From: City Of Melrose

Melrose residents are invited to join the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) for a Building Resiliency, Efficiency and Affordability Project Workshop on Monday, November 28, from 6:30 — 8 p.m.

The cities of Melrose, Malden, and Medford have been working with MAPC to collaboratively develop sustainable and resilient building design guidelines for residential and mixed-use developments and retrofits. During the workshop, community members have the opportunity to review the near-final draft of these guidelines.

"These voluntary guidelines will help your community send a clear message to developers: we want more affordable housing, and we want it to be energy-efficient and climate-resilient," said MAPC. "Join us for this interactive workshop to review the near-final draft of the guidelines and provide your input."

Interested residents should register in advance of the workshop here: https://mapc.ma/3M-workshop. After registering, MAPC will send a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

This project is a Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness funded initiative. The Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness grant program (MVP) provides support for cities and towns in Massachusetts to begin the process of planning for climate change resiliency and implementing priority projects. The state awards communities with funding to complete vulnerability assessments and develop action-oriented resiliency plans. Communities who complete the MVP program become certified as an MVP community and are eligible for MVP Action Grant funding and other opportunities.