
City Of Mill Valley: MVConnect - November 10, 2022

Government and Politics

November 12, 2022

From: City of Mill Valley

Housing Update

We have a number of important meetings coming up regarding housing in Mill Valley. Community participation and input is welcome and encouraged. Click on the links below to find out how you may learn more, participate and share your thoughts.

Richardson Terrace – 575 East Blithedale Avenue

November 17, 2022 at 6:30pm at the Mill Valley Community Center

Meeting Agenda

Housing Element & 1 Hamilton

November 30, 2022 at 6:30pm at the Mill Valley Community Center

1 Hamilton Scoping Meeting

December 8, 2022 at 6:30pm at Mill Valley City Hall

City Manager Cusimano Responds to Juvenile Party, Mill Valley Police Response and Next Steps

At the November 7, 2022 City Council meeting, City Manager Todd Cusimano addressed the City Council and the community regarding the incident on November 5 involving an out of control party with approximately 100 to 200 juveniles. Police responded to reports of yelling, drinking and throwing bottles on Ashford Avenue. An officer from Marin County Sheriff's Department was hit in the head by a can and sustained minor injuries. More detail of the incident is provided in City Manager Cusimano’s report.

Mill Valley Stands United Against Hate

The City of Mill Valley joins in spreading the message of United Against Hate week: “We reject hate of any kind and believe that building a safer and more equitable world starts by working together.” On November 7, 2022, the Mill Valley City Council unanimously adopted a resolution to Declare the week of November 13-19, 2022, as "United Against Hate Week" in Mill Valley and around Marin County. Learn more.

Repairing the World: Stories from the Tree of Life

November 17, 2022, 7:00 pm at the Osher Marin JCC

As a part of United Against Hate Week, Osher Marin JCC will host a screening of Repairing the World, a film that documents Pittsburgh’s powerful community response to hate in the aftermath of the deadliest antisemitic attack in U.S. history. Watch the trailer.

Fire News

Did You Hear It? LRAD Monthly Siren Testing - The "Did you hear it ?" (DYHI) campaign was developed to tap the abundant information available about the on-going monthly siren testing from the people who experience them.  Learn more and report what you heard!

Paved Road Fuel Reduction Event Dates for November 2022 - The Vegetation Management Program is coming to a neighborhood near you to reduce flammable vegetation and improve access for emergency vehicles. Is your street on the list?

Public Work News

East Blithedale Project Update - East Blithedale Avenue is now open to through traffic between Camino Alto and Downtown Mill Valley. Motorists may experience localized closures or flagged one-way traffic control until May 2023.

Check out the latest update here.

Project updates are available to community members every other week. Sign up today!

Don't Leave Your Leaves! - It’s time to break out the rakes and bins! While cleaning up leaves keeps our living spaces clean and tidy, it is also a big part of our winter preparations. The responsibility of keeping leaves out of gutters and drains belongs to everyone. 

Mill Valley Roads Evaluated - 3rd Best in Marin County - The Metropolitan Transportation Commission has releasd the Annual Pavement Condition Index (PCI) Report to provide the 3-year rolling average of pavement condition of cities, towns and counties throughout the Bay Area. The PCI provides a snapshot of the pavement health of a road. It is measured on a scale of 0 to 100 (where 100 means a newly paved road), and many factors affect a city’s or county’s PCI score. In 2021, Mill Valley's PCI was evaluated to be 72 (Good) just behind Tiburon (75) and Ross (77).  Learn more about Mill Valley's PCI.

Sustainability News

Final Task Force Meeting to Finalize the Draft Climate Action Plan

Join the Climate Action Plan (CAP) Task Force on November 16 at 6:30pm in person at City Hall (26 Corte Madera Avenue) to finalize the Draft CAP and Task Force recommendations that will then be prepared for Planning Commission and City Council review and approval. See the project website for more information. Can't attend in person? Join via zoom.

Reduce Your Energy Use This Winter

A chill is in the air! As the days get shorter and colder, it’s tempting to turn up the thermostat. But every degree higher, adds 3% to your energy bill. Try these tips to reduce your energy use and stay cozy without turning the heat up. For example: Have a ceiling fan? Winter is the time to reverse directions and bring warm air down from your ceiling. 

Library News

The Mycological Society of Marin Presents: Fascinating Mushroom Spores

Wednesday, November 16th, 6pm

Join Else Vellinga to explore the world of mushroom spores - where they are formed, how they are spread, and where they want to end up. We’ll learn why some spores are colored and others have warts, and other fascinating facts about mushrooms. Click here to learn more and register.

The Marin Poetry Center Presents: Zeina Hashem Beck & Lynne Thompson

Thursday, November 17th, 7pm

This Poetry Reading Series provides a unique opportunity to hear diverse and unusual sets of readers, pairing local Bay Area poets with visiting poets and writers. Click here to learn more and register.

Arts & Recreation News

The Holiday Craft Fair is Back! - Join us Saturday, December 3rd from 10am-4pm for this festive event and enjoy some unique holiday shopping. The fair features over 50 new and returning artists selling their fine handmade arts and crafts. Learn More!

Shallow Water Lifeguard Certification - Earn your shallow water lifeguard certification from the American Red Cross blended learning course. Course offered December 27th-29th. Register Today!

Get Your Teens Into the Teen Zone!- The Teen Zone is an after school program for middle school students (grades 6 - 8) at the Mill Valley Community Center. Membership includes drop-in access to the Teen Zone location as well as discounts on special events, such as the Teen Zone Halloween Party & Movie Night. Get your kids into the Teen Zone!

Teen Zone Holiday Party - Join us December 9th from 6-8pm at Teen Zone for an awesome holiday party with a special holiday-themed dessert! Discounted entry for Teen Zone members. Register Today!

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