
City Of Odessa News: Black History Month - Sergeant Tommy Jones

Government and Politics

February 15, 2023

From: City Of Odessa

Black History Month - Sergeant Tommy Jones

Sergeant Tommy Jones has worked for the City of Odessa for 26 years and has been with OPD for 18 years. When he worked for the City of Odessa, he was in Code Enforcement, the Street Department, and Solid Waste. Sergeant Jones is now OPD's Academy/Training Sergeant. His favorite part of the job is teaching and training future generations.

Sergeant Jones was born and raised in Odessa and graduated from Permian High School. He is married to his amazing wife, Danielle, and they have five beautiful children together. He's another one of our hardworking officers and attributes that hard work and determination to his parents.

He loves to learn about African American Culture, especially from those who came before him. Sergeant Jones said, “The elderly community, even without me asking, teaches me something about my heritage, and it’s always something new and fascinating. The wealth and knowledge that they share with you is irreplaceable and it should be captured and spoken about before that wonderful heritage information is gone.”

Sergeant Jones would love to see the relationship between police and civilians grow even stronger. “We train the young officers and recruits to create a great relationship with the citizens because they are the ones we swear in to serve and protect. Once we retire and move on, they are the ones that will be serving and protecting our families and community,” said Sergeant Jones.

No matter how overwhelmed his schedule becomes, juggling his numerous jobs being a SWAT Team member, a SWAT Sniper, and an Honor Guard Coordinator, Sergeant Jones will always make time for others. He has contributed a lot to our community!