
City Of Odessa News : Elizabeth Prieto Named Interim Executive Director of Downtown Odessa

Government and Politics

February 10, 2023

From: City Of Odessa

A new interim executive director has been named for Downtown Odessa Inc.

Elizabeth Prieto has been named the Interim Director of Downtown Odessa Inc.

Born and raised in West Texas, Elizabeth is proud to call Odessa home for the past 22 years.

Elizabeth is a University of Texas Permian Basin alumni, with a Bachelor of Arts in History and a Master’s degree in Public Administration, along with a certification in Leadership from Odessa College.

She has 14 years of experience in the City’s Billing and Collection department, starting as a customer service representative and working up to a supervisor position.

Elizabeth is bilingual and has built strong relationships with many of the City’s departments, outside agencies and the community. In her spare time, Elizabeth serves on the St. Mary’s Festival Committee, planning and executing events, including the annual fundraiser that has enabled the church to make significant building renovations and needed repairs.

Also, Elizabeth serves as part of several fundraisers a year with the City’s Charity Committee that helps allocate monies for City employees who need financial assistance.