
City of Palmdale News : City Employees Take Down Graffiti

Government and Politics

December 7, 2022

From: City of Palmdale

PALMDALE – Today is the beginning of Palmdale’s newest initiative to help clean up the community. The “Say it, Don’t Spray It!” anti-graffiti campaign is putting boots on the ground to clean up our streets while we spread the word about the City’s graffiti mitigation effort.

City employees received tools to erase the spray paint and remove stickers off city streets, sidewalks, and signs. The tools include heavy-duty wipes, protective gloves, and scrapers. Employees will also wear a high visibility safety shirt printed with the slogan “Say it, Don’t Spray It!” Small teams will head out today, Monday, Dec. 5, to erase this problem from our streets. This initiative will be ongoing; City employees are already signing up for future cleanup days.

“I am so inspired and energized by our staff’s effort to take pride in our city,” said Interim City Manager Ronda Perez during the kick-off presentation. “This is just the beginning of these efforts. Palmdale is my home, and I want to see graffiti gone!”

“It has a very negative effect on our community,” said Los Angeles Sheriff’s Palmdale Station Captain Ron Shaffer during the safety training. “If people are greeted by this blight when they visit Palmdale, they turn around and often don’t come back. I am inspired by everyone here clearly demonstrating how much they love Palmdale.”

City staff works closely with the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station in our abatement efforts. The eye sore is documented before being erased and turned over to the Palmdale Sherriff’s graffiti detective. If it is not easily removable by hand, it will be removed by the City’s abatement team.

These graffiti abatement efforts are Measure AV funded to create a model for citizen volunteers to be involved in future cleanups.

To report graffiti, call 94-PRIDE (947-7433), text REPORT to 661/780-PALM (7256), visit our website at www.CityofPalmdale.org and look for the “How do I – Report – Graffiti” section.

You may also contact Palmdale Sheriff’s station at 661/272-2400 or call “LA Crime Stoppers” by dialing 800-222-TIPS (8477) if you wish to remain anonymous.