
City Of Rancho Mirage News - Turf Rebate Program

Government and Politics

October 12, 2022

From: City Of Rancho Mirage

Turf Rebate Program

On October 6, 2022, City Council approved an additional $500,000 to turf rebate program for residential projects, bringing the total program budget to a total of $2.5 million. This program and partnership with Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) has been very successful and has motivated our community to convert to artificial turf or more drought tolerant landscaping. To date, this program has resulted in the removal of 840,000 sq. ft. of living turf and upon use of the remaining funds will result in over 1.2 million sq. ft. being converted.

The Rancho Mirage Turf Rebate Program provides a matching rebate of $3 per sq. ft. for residential and $1 per sq. ft. for HOA/Commercial Rancho Mirage CVWD turf conversion rebate completed projects through a partnership with CVWD; providing our residents a total of $6 per sq. ft. ($3 City and $3 CVWD) and HOAs/Commercial a total of $4 per sq. ft. ($1 City and $3 CVWD), per project, for living turf removal. In addition, a direct rebate is available through the City for those projects that are required to utilize a landscape architect with a reimbursement of up to $6,000 per project. Applicants can apply directly through CVWD website. All projects require pre-approval by CVWD before any turf can be removed.

Interested applicants can find more information and the application on CVWD's website at cvwd.org/Rebates or click box below:

Click here for CVWD rebates