
City of Stamford Mayor's Desk: December 16, 2022

Government and Politics

December 19, 2022

From: City of Stamford

Stamford Greeting Card Contest

Congratulations to all the winners and runners up of the Stamford Public Schools Seasonal Greeting Card Contest! This year’s program was open to SPS students in grades K-5. The winning designs will be printed as cards for myself and Superintendent Dr. Lucero to use throughout the holiday season.

Congrats to Bryan Ramos, who attends Rogers International School, and created the artwork “Snowball Fight,” which I selected as my holiday card. Thank you to Bryan and his art teachers Kristen Delmonico & Laurie Ferrante for their beautiful design!

Mayor's Youth Leadership Council

It was wonderful meeting with Westhill students on the Mayor’s Youth Leadership Council to hear their feedback on issues that matter to them and discuss ways the City can support student needs. I am inspired by their leadership and how they use their voices on important issues like mental health awareness and protecting our environment.

Sandy Hook 10-year Anniversary

This week was the 10-year anniversary of the Sandy Hook shooting, let us continue to honor and remember the 20 children and six educators who tragically lost their lives due to gun violence. They, and every victim of senseless gun violence, are with us every day as we continue to fight and take action to make our communities safer and free from gun violence.

This is just one platform where I will be sharing updates on a weekly basis, but you can also connect with me and my administration on the platforms below:

- Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

- Follow the City of Stamford on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

- Send me an email at [email protected] and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

And of course, I will be out and about across the city every week visiting with local businesses, meeting with constituents, and hearing from stakeholders in our city – so I hope I’ll be able to talk to you in person very soon.

Have a wonderful weekend!

-- Mayor Caroline Simmons

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