
Darien Library -The Seed Library Is Open

Schools and Libraries

March 27, 2023

From: Darien Library

It's planting season!

Start gardening with new seeds from Darien Library.

The Seed Library
is back open on
Friday, March 17th!

Whether you are a seasoned gardener or just beginning to explore your green thumb, our Seed Library offers you the opportunity to plant, grow, and learn. We hope that the growing process, from seed to plant, will foster a common, shared appreciation of all living things

How to Take Seeds

-Ask about the Seed Library at the Welcome Desk.

-Plan on taking 2 seeds for every plant you intend to grow this season. For example, if you want 5 sunflower plants, take 10 seeds.

-Note the growing instructions on the back of the seed envelope. If you have a camera on your phone, take a picture of the instructions so you have an extra copy! Please let us know if you need a copy of the planting instructions.

-If you need more seeds than what is provided, please use the extra envelopes. Make sure you label your envelope with the seed variety!

-Help us determine what to get next season and stay in the know about future gardening events by leaving your name, email address, and the seeds you took.

What's in Season?

Take and plant these seeds as soon as you'd like — they're in season!

-"Mortgage Lifter" Tomatoes

-"Sungold" Tomatoes

-"Northern Lights" Zinnias

-"Gold Rush" Beans

-Lacinato Dinosaur Kale

-"Sensation" Cosmos

Find more flowers, herbs, and vegetable seeds in our
Seed Library Index.