
Delaware Democratic Party Announces Statewide Endorsement Slate

Government and Politics

July 11, 2024

Delaware Democratic Party announces statewide endorsement slate, including Lisa Blunt Rochester and Sarah McBride

Yesterday evening, the Delaware Democratic Party’s State Executive Committee convened to consider endorsements for Statewide candidates. After careful consideration and weighing the recommendations of subsidiary committees, the 25-person committee voted to endorse candidates in six races. Endorsement results were as follows

- United States President - Joe Biden
- United States Senate - Lisa Blunt Rochester
- United States House - Sarah McBride
- Governor - Bethany Hall-Long
- Lieutenant Governor - Kyle Evans Gay
- Insurance Commissioner - Trinidad Navarro

State Party Chair, Betsy Maron, issued the following statement in acknowledgment of the committee’s endorsements,

“The amount and tenor of primaries this election cycle has been encouraging. No matter the outcome, it is clear that Delaware has a robust community of qualified and capable Democrats ready to serve. Their willingness to engage in this dialogue about the direction of our state and party, which primaries often necessitate, should be commended. As a part of that dialogue, our Executive Committee has recognized these candidates as earning our State Party’s endorsement.”  

“Our State Party stands firm behind President Joe Biden. There is a clear choice in this election. Joe Biden has spent nearly his entire adult life fighting for working families in Delaware and around the country. The work he and his administration have done over the past four years has led America out of the greatest national health crisis of our lifetime and has us on track to prosperity, by building upon his recovery plan. 

“He stands in stark contrast to Donald Trump, a convicted felon who only cares about himself. Trump knows he lost the 2020 election but continues to attack our election process to protect his own ego. Trump appealed to his Supreme Court for Presidential Immunity to grow his own power. Now Trump’s Project 2025 agenda plans to tear down the foundation of the American government to remake it in his own image. We can not let that happen and Joe Biden is up to the task of stopping him.

“We could not be more proud to endorse Lisa Blunt Rochester for U.S. Senate. Throughout her time in Washington, Lisa has consistently championed Democratic policy issues that benefit all Delawareans. Her leadership on key platform issues like healthcare accessibility, economic opportunity, and social justice will make her an invaluable addition to the Senate. Her deep-rooted connection to communities up and down the First State ensures that Delawareans will have a faithful ally in Washington. 

“With everything at stake this election, it is more important than ever that we elect candidates and public officials who can unite people around our common values as Delawareans and as Americans. That candidate is Lisa Blunt Rochester.

“Since her election in 2020, Sarah McBride has been a proven leader in the Delaware Democratic Party and a true changemaker as a State Senator. The Delaware Democratic Party is proud to endorse Sarah to be our sole member of Congress. We are thrilled to unite behind Sarah's candidacy and are excited to work hand in hand to elect her."

"Bethany Hall-Long has been a dedicated partner to the Delaware Democratic Party for nearly three decades. From her years on her local district committee to her work in the General Assembly, Delaware Democrats have long had an advocate in Bethany. She has spent her career leading on issues like education, women’s reproductive rights, and mental health. She understands the needs of Delawareans in every corner of the state. Bethany is ready to make Delaware the best place to live, work, and raise a family on day one.” 

Kyle Evans Gay has a long track record of commitment to our party’s platform with a particular focus on reproductive health, gun safety, childcare access, and voting rights. She knows the importance of continuing to build a vibrant Delaware Democratic Party and getting out the vote for races up and down the ballot. We are excited to work with her as a candidate and as our next Lieutenant Governor”

"Under the steadfast leadership of Insurance Commissioner Trinidad Navarro, we have fortified consumer protection, stabilized Delaware’s Health Insurance Marketplace, and made important strides on key Democratic issues like climate change and women’s health. In endorsing Trinidad’s re-election, we are endorsing someone who will safeguard our future and continue to empower our communities."