Arts and Entertainment
May 13, 2023
From: EverWonder Children's MuseumCalling all science enthusiasts!
EverWonder will be bigger and better than ever this summer! Due to our short closure to move and re-open at the new space, we are only able to offer 4 weeks of camp. Mrs. Fagan's favorite camps are back in July, and we've hired a local science teacher, Mr. Zak Brown, to run both camps in August. With their knowledge and expertise, combined with a fun and exciting new space, your child is guaranteed to have a blast at EverWonder this summer.
Space is still limited. To reserve your space, please click here.
We are also collaborating with the Newtown Soccer Club for their Soccer & STEAM Camp for the 3rd consecutive year. To learn more, please visit their website directly.
Thank you for your understanding while we move and adjust to EverWonder 2.0!!!