
Exhibition: Maureen Gallace at Gladstone Gallery

Arts and Entertainment

February 12, 2024

From: Gladstone Gallery

Gladstone Gallery is pleased to present an exhibition of new paintings and drawings by Maureen Gallace. Known for her depictions of often unnamed New England coastal towns and their surrounding environs, Gallace’s meditative and distinct tableaux depict places where the familiar and the unknowable overlap, where the public and the private displace one another. Disarmingly evocative, the artist’s iconic houses, cresting (or calm) oceans, and depopulated landscapes invoke form and place while simultaneously remaining tethered to the possibilities of abstraction.
In this exhibition of new paintings and drawings the artist has refined her drawings to a series of reductive gestures. These monochromatic charcoal drawings distill certain qualities found in her color-filled paintings into a more “raw” or “free” state. In both the drawings and the paintings, the artist’s mark-making examines the distance between documentation and invention. This allows multiple paths to emerge for both the artist and the viewer. One such path may be how the narratives of our individual and collective experience are shaped by being in a particular place, including that place being in front of a painting.
Though these new works share an emotional and formal genealogy with Gallace’s prior depictions of the vernacular beach-town enclaves that have long bloomed in her practice, they also indicate a newfound sense of the temporal. Gallace in her own words:
Connecticut is my home state and a place I’ve regularly returned to for both work and family. This past year I’ve had part time residence in an old house near a beach. This change of environment allowed me to make and observe the sources of my work in an expanded way.
Working in this new/old environment is not a radical change but it is a change. Whether it’s painting inside a room with different lighting and air, or having the ability to look out the window to observe scenes for drawings, this work captures my ongoing process of looking in a few directions at once: backwards in time and place, my current moment, while looking forward to see what can be made of it.

February 9 - March 9, 2024

Tuesday - Saturday from 10am - 6pm

Gladstone Gallery,
515 West 24th Street,
New York, NY 10011

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