
Florida Democrats Slam Rick Scott's Plan to Sunset Medicare on the Program's 58th Anniversary

Government and Politics

July 1, 2024

On July 1, 2024, on the 58th anniversary of Medicare services beginning, the Florida Democratic Party released the following statement to remind Floridians that Rick Scott wrote the plan to end Medicare as we know it, which provides health care to more than 5 million Floridia seniors: 

“Self-serving Rick Scott made millions overseeing the largest Medicare fraud in history and then wrote the plan to put Medicare on the chopping block – enriching himself while Floridians paid the price,” said Florida Democratic Party spokesperson Alex Wood. “Scott’s plan would be disastrous for millions of Floridia seniors. In November, Floridians will hold him accountable for jeopardizing their health care.” 

What to know about Rick Scott’s record of working to enrich himself while Florida seniors pay the price: 

Rick Scott’s signature plan to sunset Social Security and Medicare would spike costs for seniors and families and rip away hard-earned benefits. 

- Mitch McConnell on Rick Scott’s disastrous signature plan: “A bad idea.

Rick Scott plans to raise taxes on the middle class while lowering taxes for corporations and the wealthy, like himself. 

- Fox News: “…that would raise taxes on half of Americans and potentially sunset programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.

- Scott’s plan would raise taxes on40%of Floridians, including working families and active-duty military. Gainesville Sun: “Florida Gov. Rick Scott was in Washington this week not to seek to improve the legislation for most Floridians, but to fight for the tax cuts benefiting a small sliver of the state population — including himself.