
Gladstone Gallery is Now Representing: David Salle

Arts and Entertainment

April 21, 2023

From: Gladstone Gallery

Gladstone Gallery is thrilled to announce its representation of David Salle, following the success of the artist’s first exhibition with the Gallery in Brussels in the summer of 2022. Throughout his career of more than 40 years, Salle has distinguished himself through a distinctive and expansive body of work, both as a visual artist and a writer. Combining his astute ability to form compositions with the precision and fluidity of a poet, Salle’s interdisciplinary and singular approach to creating forms in space has enabled him to continue to push against the boundaries of what and how he creates.

On this news, Barbara Gladstone notes, “We are delighted to formally welcome David to the gallery. I have always admired his work, both as a visual artist and as a writer. His unquestionable skill, wit, inquisitiveness, and psychological depth have helped distinguish him as one of the most unique and compelling painters of his generation. One of my very first coveted art acquisitions was a painting by David that I bought in 1979, a year before I opened my eponymous gallery on 57th Street, so I am very grateful to have this opportunity to work together.”

David Salle notes, “Barbara Gladstone and I have been friends for decades and Gladstone has long been a bastion of independence and integrity. I’m very pleased to join the company of so many of the artists I most admire.”

The artist’s first New York exhibition with Gladstone following the announcement of his gallery representation will take place in fall 2024.