
Governor Phil Scott Requests Secretarial Disaster Designation From U.S. Department of Agriculture in Response to July Flooding

Government and Politics

July 19, 2024

From: Vermont Governor Phil Scott

Montpelier, VT - Governor Phil Scott has requested that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) issue a disaster designation for the State of Vermont in response to severe July flooding. A Secretarial Disaster Designation would open the availability of financial assistance, including low-interest USDA Farm Service Agency emergency loans for eligible producers in the approved counties.

“On July 10, 2024 - one year after the State of Vermont experienced historical flooding in July 2023 - Vermont suffered devastating impacts from the remnants of Hurricane Beryl. The storm's torrential rains caused innumerable streams and rivers to flood towns, destroy roads and bridges, inundate farms and ruin crops,” wrote Governor Scott. “Many Vermont farms had not fully recovered from last year's destructive storms before they were again under water in the middle of Vermont's short growing season.”

“Just when last year’s floods seemed to be in the rear-view mirror, many of our farms are once again facing another long road to recovery. We are now focused on how we can help these farms survive,” said Agriculture Secretary Anson Tebbetts. “It will take federal, state, local and private resources to help our farmers get through this. We are committed to working with our public and private partners during this crisis.” 

The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets is encouraging all those who sustained losses to report their damages 211 and to their local Farm Services Agency office with USDA. 

Click here to view the full letter from Governor Scott to Secretary Tom Vilsack.