
Governor Scott Authorizes Temporary Regulatory Relief to Expedite Emergency Response and Infrastructure Rebuild

Government and Politics

July 13, 2024

From: Vermont Governor Phil Scott

Berlin, VT - Governor Phil Scott today signed an addendum to his Emergency Declaration, which updates the existing Declaration to include temporary regulatory relief in specific areas. These actions will help expedite the response to the July 2024 flooding.

“This addendum to our existing State of Emergency will temporarily waive certain requirements to expedite response and recovery,” said Governor Phil Scott. “With so much infrastructure damage, this is critical for towns and Vermonters to access the tools needed to move forward with repairs to roads, bridges, homes and businesses.”

Under authority provided by the state of emergency, the Governor is providing specific, temporary regulatory relief critical to the immediate response and recovery work, including for:

- professional service licensing flexibility;
- timely access to gravel and rock fill, asphalt and concrete for road and infrastructure repair;
- facilitating commercial motor vehicle operations needed to support emergency relief efforts transporting supplies, goods, materials, equipment, and fuel into Vermont;
- timely removal of flood related debris.

For more information click here to view Addendum 1. These steps add to the Governor’s amended and restated State of Emergency, updated on July 10. The Governor will consider additional regulatory relief and action in response to ongoing damage assessments and recovery efforts to ensure an expedited response.