
Grandin Court Baptist Church E-Newsletter March 10, 2023

Religion and Spirituality

March 10, 2023

From: Grandin Court Baptist Church

Happening This Week- March 12 – March 18, 2023

Spring Forward – Daylight Savings Time Begins @ 2:00AM ON SUNDAY

Don’t forget to set your clocks forward one hour before you go to bed Saturday!

March Generosity Box Donations

Each month we choose the organization or work that our Generosity Box donations will be given to.
For the month of March we will be collecting for Habitat for Humanity and the 2023 Apostles Build.
The Apostles Build happens every two years, and churches from the area gather together to fund and build a home for a local family.
GCBC is happy to be a part of this again in 2023.
Donate throughout this month, and watch your emails in coming months about work days!

Fellowship Dinner Menu for Wednesday March 15th is Greatest Hits!
Chicken & Rice, Meat Loaf, and Meat Balls
Rice, Green Beans, Salad, Fruit, Bread, and Dessert

Still looking for cooks for the Wednesday Night Dinners on the following Dates:
March 29 & April 19 & 26
Please contact Karen Griffith if you can help out.
(540)314-0010 or [email protected]

Did you miss picking up a copy of our Lenten devotional?
They are available on the table inside the awning door, and in the MAC lobby throughout the week.
Office hours 9am-1pm everyday, MAC hours 3pm-9pm Tuesday and Thursday and during dinner on Wednesday.
Let us know if there are any that need to be delivered!


We want to invite our neighborhoods to join us for worship on Easter Sunday, April 9th.
Door hangers are located in the Sanctuary or the MAC Lobby.
Please take at least five home with you to place on your neighbors’ door knobs starting April 1st.
Hopefully, many of our neighbors will want to come to our church and celebrate with us.
Let's be the hands and feet of Christ and welcome our neighbors to experience the Resurrection of our Lord by attending worship with us.

GCBC is excited to host the Virginia Handbell Musicians of America Area 3 Spring Festival on March 24-25.
Over 80 ringers will join together to learn several pieces of music and will present a brief final concert
at 5:00 pm on Saturday.
YOU ARE INVITED to come hear us!
Audience will be standing on the walking track. Seats can be available for anyone not able to stand for 20 minutes.
You can also participate in helping with equipment during the event. If interested, see Melissa Fox.

To contribute online, go to www.grandincourtbaptist.org and click on Giving
You may also mail your donation to the church.

Budget Needs to Date
YTD Budget Revenue
YTD Budget Expenses

The weather has been very kind to us so far this winter, but that could change very quickly. So with that in mind, it's wise to remind everyone of GCBC Inclement Weather Policy. Please see below: