
ICYMI: Assembly Candidate Christy Welch and Local Child Care Providers Hold 'Vote NO' Press Conference in Green Bay

Government and Politics

July 11, 2024

MADISON, WI - On July 11, 2024, Assembly Candidate Christy Welch and local child care center directors Jason Hodkiewicz and Sally Van Rens held a press conference in Green Bay encouraging Wisconsinites to vote ‘NO’ on the two constitutional amendment questions appearing on the August 13 primary ballot. Right-wing politicians in the Wisconsin legislature have placed two misleading constitutional amendment questions on the August 13 primary ballot to eliminate checks and balances and give themselves sole control over critical federal funds

This event was the latest in a push from Wisconsin Democrats to get the word out about the dangerous impacts these constitutional amendments could have, including on child care in Wisconsin. Child care providers have been supported in the wake of the pandemic by federal dollars allocated by Gov. Evers as Republican politicians in the legislature stonewalled efforts to provide permanent funding. Now, Republican politicians are attempting to trick voters into eliminating checks and balances to give themselves sole control over these critical federal funds.

Watch the event and see what speakers had to say, in part, below:

Assembly Candidate Christy Welch: “Right wing Wisconsin Legislators have added two misleading amendments, aiming to eliminate checks and balances and give themselves sole control over critical federal funds. This could create even more gridlock in Madison and delay help for our first responders, our small businesses and the child care providers joining us here today. These amendments are nothing but a GOP power grab. Plain and simple.”

Jason Hodkiewicz: “[My wife and I] spoke with many Republican Legislators just to discuss how important this funding was to all of us. But these pleas were ignored, and this went on [holding] down the continuation of these funds. Fortunately, Governor Evers was able to allocate funding to continue some of this funding at least … I think if this amendment passes, I fear that these funds will be eliminated due to the length of time that it takes our Legislature to get any type of approval.”

Sally Van Rens: “Funding is the solution as we come up on major funding deadlines next year. Republicans in the Legislature cannot be trusted with allotting these crucial funds-funds that keep businesses like Kidz in Motion afloat. Wisconsin Republicans have a long record of obstructing funding for child care, and we cannot let them do it. Again. Their plan simply doesn’t work. You must spread the word to Vote NO …on the constitutional amendments. Our child care depends on it.”