
Indiana GOP Elects Victor Smith as Republican National Committeeman

Government and Politics

June 18, 2024

INDIANAPOLIS, IN - On Friday June 14, 2024, the Indiana Republican State Committee unanimously elected Victor Smith as Indiana's Republican National Committeeman. 

Victor Smith is a partner at Bose McKinney & Evans LLP and a principal of Bose Public Affairs Group. Victor has a long track record of serving the Republican Party and helping Republican candidates get elected up and down the ticket through grassroots campaigning and fundraising efforts. In addition to his political experience, Victor served as Indiana’s Secretary of Commerce under then Governor Mike Pence during the Governor’s entire four-year term. He was a member of the Cabinet, simultaneously operating as CEO of the Indiana Economic Development Corporation.

Statement from Republican National Committeeman-Elect Victor Smith: 

"I am honored and humbled to have the opportunity to represent Hoosier Republicans at the RNC. Over the years, I have been blessed to have worked with candidates and campaign teams at every level of government and I take pride in working to help elect Hoosier Republicans. I will continue to do my part to strengthen the Indiana GOP and represent Indiana values within the RNC."