
Norwalk Seaport Association and Greens Ledge LighthousePreservation Society Offer Public Tours of Greens Ledge Lighthouse in September

Clubs and Organizations

September 5, 2022

From: Norwalk Seaport Association

Norwalk Seaport Association and Greens Ledge LighthousePreservation Society Offer Public Tours of Greens Ledge Lighthouse in September

Greens Ledge Lighthouse, on the Register of Historic Places, is one of 33 sparkplug lighthouses still in existence in the United States and remains an active aid to navigation. It is located just off the coastline of Norwalk close to Sheffield Island Lighthouse, owned by the Norwalk Seaport Association which is open for tours and special events.

The Norwalk Seaport Association in partnership with Greens Ledge Light Preservation Society is offering inaugural tours of Greens Ledge Lighthouse to the public on Saturday, September 17, and Sunday, September 18. These are the first public tours of Greens Ledge Lighthouse in more than 120 years. Tickets are available for $60 per person. To purchase tickets click here 

Tours depart from the Sheffield Island Lighthouse Dock at 10 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday and return at 1 p.m. The dock is located at the corner of North Water Street and Washington Street in South Norwalk. Parking is available adjacent to the dock and at the Norwalk Maritime Center Garage. Visitors must wear sturdy close-toed shoes (no sandals or flip-flops) and anticipate walking up and down steep stairways. Children 10 and older are welcome to this cruise.

The major restoration work has been completed enabling the Society to launch a new program, the "Next 100 Years” of Greens Ledge Light.” The vision of the Greens Ledge Light Preservation Society is to transform Greens Ledge Lighthouse into a beacon of research, education, and sustainability, which will engage the local community. As the Society evolves they anticipate that programming will provide an additional avenue for fundraising and community engagement to help sustain their operating budget and minimize the need for capital campaigns for decades to come.

About Greens Ledge Lighthouse Renovation

Following a five-year, $2.5 million restoration – one of the most significant lighthouse restorations in recent history, Greens Ledge Lighthouse is now open to the public. The Greens Ledge Light Preservation Society - a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization led by local Rowayton, Darien, and Norwalk residents, acquired the lighthouse from the Federal Government in 2016. The restoration of the lighthouse has been funded entirely by private donations and made possible by the support and volunteer efforts of many individuals and businesses throughout the community. For more information about the Greens Ledge Light Preservation Society www.savegreensledge.org

About the Seaport Association

The Seaport Association in Norwalk was founded in 1978 by a group of local citizens who had the vision to revitalize South Norwalk and preserve Norwalk’s maritime heritage. The Seaport Association offers a cultural, environmental, and historical journey to the Norwalk Islands. The Sheffield Island Lighthouse and the Light Keeper’s Cottage provide a unique historical and educational venue that strives to increase awareness, appreciation, and consideration for the environment and how the preservation of historic buildings contributes to our quality of life. The combination of the Lighthouse and the Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge offers an unparalleled opportunity to educate children of all ages and adults about the importance of preserving Long Island Sound, our environment, and our maritime heritage.