
Providence Catholic : Freshman Luke Rost Creates Eagle Scout Project for Community

Schools and Libraries

December 8, 2022

From: Providence Catholic High School

NEWS RELEASE (December 7, 2022) – Providence Catholic High School freshman Luke Rost has been a Scout for a large part of his life. He’s learned a lot in that time – and one of the most important lessons he’s taken to heart is respect for veterans, thanks in large part to his family’s tradition of military service.

“I have four siblings in the military: Jake, a 2015 Providence graduate who is in the Navy; Grace, a 2017 Providence Catholic graduate who is in the Marine Corps; Sam, a 2018 Providence Catholic graduate who is in the Navy; and Kate, a 2020 Providence Catholic graduate currently at the U.S. Naval Academy. I wanted to create something to honor their dedication to our country and also to honor all of the current service members and veterans that have protected our country.”

It seemed only natural then, for his Eagle Scout project to be focused on just that.

“My Eagle Project was constructing a veteran’s memorial at my parish, St. Julie Billiart Parish in Tinley Park,” says Luke. “We installed a 30-foot flagpole with an engraved brick pathway and patio, surrounding landscaping and lighting. The landscaping also includes two custom metal memorial benches, as well. Many people were able to honor and/or memorialize current or veteran servicemembers through engraved bricks and the custom benches, and the project also gives people a place to gather and it beautifies the parish grounds.”

Luke financed his project by doing an engraved brick fundraiser, and he used the engraved bricks for the project. “This raised funds to cover the whole project and then some, and I donated the remaining funds to the parish.  The overall project cost was $16,600,” he adds.

Luke started with Pack 400 in Orland Hills and then moved to Scouts with Troop 318 in Orland Park in 2019.

“I am currently a Life Scout, and my Eagle Scout application has been approved but I still need to do my Eagle Scout Board of Review,” says Luke. When he’s not busy with the Scouts, he plays football and basketball at Providence. “So I am working on scheduling my Eagle Board,” he adds.

Luke also worked with Providence Catholic parent David Cole from Aluminight Outdoor Lighting to install the lighting for the project.  There were also several Providence families that purchased engraved bricks which helped fund the project and many that helped spread the word during brick sales and throughout the project, including Providence family Margie Klotz of Owen’s Media, Inc.

“I don’t really have a very clear idea for my plans and goals for the future, but I know I want to go to college and maybe pursue a career in the military or something in business,” says Luke. “I’ve always believed that the military was such a strong pull in my life, and it really is, so that is something I am leaning toward. I know that my siblings can guide me along the way, as well.”

About Providence Catholic

Providence Catholic is a co-educational, college preparatory high school, based in the Augustinian tradition. It is located on 75 acres in New Lenox, Illinois. A dedicated and caring faculty and staff integrate the core Augustinian values of truth, unity, and love into all dimensions of student life. A demanding curriculum, inclusive service programs, competitive athletics, and comprehensive extracurricular offerings challenge students in a safe and nurturing environment. Our proven success is reflected in our most recent graduates who’ve earned scholarships valued at nearly $52 million dollars. In addition, Providence Catholic has 31 state championship titles, the most among private high schools in the state of Illinois. For more information about PCHS, please visit www.providencecatholic.org.