
Revolving Door Rogers’ Rough Week: Michiganders Call Out Rogers’ “Questionable” Record of “Enriching Himself,” Violating a Law “He Voted For”

Government and Politics

August 23, 2024

It directly speaks to [Rogers’] willingness to answer whatever call has the most dollar signs in it.” – Tom Sidebotham, U.S. Army Veteran and Teamsters Local 406 Recording Secretary

LANSING — Michiganders across the state are slamming Rogers for having a “greater interest in ‘enriching himself’ and large corporations than advocating for Michiganders,” being a hypocrite for violating “a law that he voted for when he was in the state Legislature,” and his desire to “slash Social Security.” So what does Rogers do? He resorts to attacking the media and questioning election integrity.

Here’s the latest on Revolving Door Rogers’ rough week: 

  • If you can’t beat ‘em, spread conspiracy theories about elections…? Rogers (once again) embraces dangerous election conspiracy theories and casts doubt on the integrity of our election system, saying it’s “really very concerning for us.” 

See for yourself:


Fox 17: Union members throw support behind Slotkin in Grand Rapids

  • Democrats held a press conference in Grand Rapids Wednesday in support of Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin, who is running for Sen. Debbie Stabenow’s seat in the U.S. Senate.
  • Union members were in attendance.
  • Organizers say Slotkin’s opponent, Mike Rogers, isn’t fit to represent Michigan. They claim Rogers’s record since leaving Congress nearly a decade ago suggests he has a greater interest in “enriching himself” and large corporations than advocating for Michiganders.
  • The AFL-CIO, the largest union federation in the U.S., gave Rogers an 11% score on his voting record supporting the working middle class.
  • “I don’t need the teachers’ union to tell me that’s a failing grade. After Rogers left Congress, he abandoned Michigan and cashed in on all the favors he did in the special interest in Washington … to make a fortune,” says Teamsters Local 406 Recording Secretary & U.S. Army Veteran Tom Sidebotham. “Union workers need a champion on their side, and that’s why the teamsters in Michigan will be voting for Slotkin in November.”

MIRS: Jill HINTON WOLFE, a U.S. Army veteran and small business owner, said… [Rogers’] post-public service career raised concerns for her. “After leaving Congress, Mike Rogers entered the corporate world, where he’s made millions as a consultant for major corporations, including those with troubling ties to foreign interests,” Hinton Wolfe said. She said the money Rogers has made puts him in a questionable position to best serve the American people. Posters hanging around the room state that Rogers has gained hundreds of thousands of dollars in wealth through companies that have partnered with Chinese firms. 

Gongwer: Democrats and union leaders held a[n]… event in Grand Rapids on Wednesday where they attacked Rogers for “enriching himself” at the expense of Michigan residents following his time in Congress. “Mike Rogers took the knowledge and connections he gained in Congress and used them to enrich himself, rather than continuing to serve the people of Michigan. Michigan deserves a senator who puts our state’s families, veterans, and workers first—not someone who’s focused on lining their own pockets,” Jill Hinton Wolfe, a veteran and small business owner, said in a statement.

Michigan Advance: Trump’s Howell event was a ‘blatant’ violation of Michigan campaign law, Dem lawyer says

  • 2 complaints have been filed with the Michigan Bureau of Elections.
  • Brewer noted that former U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-White Lake), who is running against U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Holly) for Michigan’s open U.S. Senate seat, was present and spoke prior to Trump.
  • “It’s more than irony, it’s hypocrisy,” said Brewer, referring to the fact that as a state Senator in 1999, Rogers voted for legislation that specifically added federal elections to fall under MCL 169.257.
  • “I mean, he was part of a violation of a law that he voted for when he was in the state Legislature,” said Brewer.
  • A request for comment was made to the Rogers campaign, but has yet to be returned.

Focus with Paul Smith: Rogers: “What’s disappointing is, there isn’t an honest press person, I think, left in the state.” 

Newsmax: Carl Higbie: “Mike, big problem there in Michigan.” … Rogers: “It is. The RNC has got a lawsuit against the Secretary of State trying to require purging of those roles before the election. It shouldn’t take that. If these are the folks that believe they’re winning, why aren’t they cleaning out these roles? Really very concerning for us. And by the way, what they tell you is if you don’t show up with an ID, you can sign a piece of paper that said, no, gee whiz, I really am. Fill in the blank. It should make you feel a lot better about how that’s handled in the state of Michigan. So it is concerning. We are recruiting ballot integrity people as we speak.”

A2 Independent [Letter to the Editor]: Mike Rogers Doesn’t Care About Michigan Residents

  • It’s clear that Republican U.S. Senate candidate Mike Rogers doesn’t care about Michiganders. As a retired health care professional, it’s alarming Rogers wants to slash Social Security.
  • So many Michigan retirees and people with disabilities depend on our benefits that we worked hard for to help with the cost of groceries, utilities, and prescriptions. 
  • Social Security is critical. That’s why I’m proud to be supporting Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin, who has a proven record of standing up for Michigan families. There’s no one better prepared to represent Michiganders in the U.S. Senate.

The Gander: Race to Watch: Elissa Slotkin vs. Mike Rogers for US Senate

  • Rogers served 14 years in Congress before announcing his retirement in 2014, moving to Florida, and making millions of dollars working in various board and consultancy jobs. 
  • His voting record includes a history of lobbying for a nationwide abortion ban, as well as other bills that would’ve restricted access to reproductive care. 
  • During his time in the US House, Rogers routinely consorted with lobbyists and repeatedly stood in the way of campaign finance reforms that were designed to minimize corporate influence in politics and help bring more transparency to political spending in Congress.
  • Rogers has also suggested the federal government should “rethink” Social Security and Medicaid benefits by raising the retirement age. He also voted in support of federal legislation to limit prescription drug benefits for Medicare recipients, and voted against bills to give Medicare the power to negotiate directly with pharmaceutical companies to lower prescription drug prices.