
Scream Hallow Wicked Halloween Park Haunted Attraction 2023

Arts and Entertainment

October 17, 2023

From: Scream Hallow Wicked Halloween Park


Mansion of Terror Coven

In late fall of 1842, a wagon train rode into the Bastrop area, but not before cholera and Comanche Indian raids left many of the children without parents. A mysterious woman, Adella, took the orphaned children in. She built an orphanage among the towering loblolly pines, yielding plenty of wilderness for the children to play. The locals called her Saint Adella. Little did they know about who, or what, she really was.

There was little known, however, about the terror that lie within the ornate walls of this enormous mansion and of Adella’s gift with black magic and the conjuring of spirits from the other side.

Adella’s orphanage filled at a rapid pace, and it became necessary to bed the children in the dismal, damp basement below. Many of the children died of starvation and disease, Adella claiming smallpox and cholera.

Throughout the mansion are displayed sketches, crystal pendants and a room doused with dried pigs feet, rooster talons and squirrel tails, and severed heads of the dolls she confiscated from the children. In the midst of the mansion, a Spirit Board summoned souls from beyond sending Adella in a trance; excreting foamy vomit, demonic moans and voodoo chants where she inhabited the essence of the Baba Yaga, a Demonic Goddess, whose survival depended on the devouring of children. The center of the floor still bares a star, an altar of sacrifice.

Most of the children who died at the orphanage were buried in the cemetery out back at the entrance of the currently standing abandoned church. Legend has it that Adella conjured up a creature to protect the cemetery and keep the Comanche away from the woods around the mansion. Is it a demon or just the fear of an imagined boogeyman? One of the children wrote on the wall in the mansion, “Don’t go near the cemetery… if you look at him, he will get you!” To this day no one dares enter that cemetery, especially at night.

For decades the mansion has laid abandoned and lifeless. But if you look hard and listen intently, you can hear the nursery rhymes playing in the old nursery, and hear the faint screams of children coming from the basement below the mansion.

Some say the mansion is forever cursed. Some say Adella still roams the halls. Some say the mansion itself is alive. Welcome to your nightmare, The Phantoms of The Mansion of Terror!

Lost Pines Asylum

Choose your path…in the New “Lost Pines Asylum”as it towers over the dense oak trees to create a terrifying experience you won’t want to miss. Enter if you dare into the Asylum to discover the bodies of a victims lost to horrible mental and physical experiments and ghastly diseases. Decide your fate with the splitting pathways. Get out before you’re the next one on the autopsy table…

Lost Pines Asylum opened in 1913 and flourished for over 100 years until the allegations of mistreatment and unnecessary experiments of the residents surfaced.

The hallways echo with the sound of screams and terror. The rooms look like they had housed rabid animals and not human beings with severe mental ailments. Patients were unaccounted for and probably died of mistreatment, starvation and failed experiments.

In 2019, on a cloudy summer day, something went wrong...

An explosion rocked Lost Pines, knocking out power and security. The patients snapped and began to revolt. Patients broke out of their cages and mutilated the nurses and doctors that had mistreated them. The staff that did survive began to show symptoms of rage and dementia. Who is running the Asylum?

Take a walk through the dimly lit hallways, passing by the rusty instruments and stained walls. You can’t help but notice the dirty patient records scattered on the floor, the broken furniture, the torn walls, the hidden torture rooms and the sounds of the insane. As the ominous metal Asylum doors slam shut behind you, you enter the playground for the wicked, the insane, the inhabitants of the Lost Pines Asylum.

Wicked Darkness The Maze

There are places in this world where the boundaries between this plane and the next are weak. Many are known places where the leylines of the earth intersect, these places are often avoided because they are thought to be hotspots of the paranormal. There are however, some places on this plane that cannot be explained by the latent energies of this world, but by something much more sinister and demonic one of which is here, known only as “wicked darkness”.

Do you dare delve into the musty evil that lies within? Will you be one of the few survivors of this soul wrenching terror? Enter and we shall see.

Sinister Circus

The struggles and pain felt by circus folk has been felt throughout the years. Innocent clown blood has been shed in the name of "entertainment" for far too long.

After being subjugated to the cruelty of the people, the time of the clowns has come. We shall not sit somberly in the shadows, but stay silently waiting to slay the next soul who stumbles into Sinister Circus!

The once joyous laughter of the clowns has faded into something wicked. No longer content with being society's pariah, they are beginning to reclaim their lands in the same manner it was taken. Murder, mischief, and mayhem run amuck as the unsuspecting victims continue to pour in.





Sinister Circus!

Heckles B. Savage!

Welcome to Hell.

When you think about it, most people are naturally afraid of evil clowns. They are the pinnacle of most nightmares. Come watch as the demented clowns reclaimed the woods of Scream Hollow.

Hell on Wheels Haunted Hayride

Descend with us into the shadowy netherworld of Scream Hollow's "Hell on Wheels" haunted hayride as we awaken the Wendigo spirits in the dark forest. Watch as we evoke the curse of Wynono ' Isa - Tai and come face to face with "He who goes on all fours". The newest attraction at Scream Hollow is nothing like you've ever experienced before!

Scream Hollow Pitch Darx Experience

Come Experience Scream Hollow Like Never Before! All 5 Haunted Houses Will Be Completely Black! Each Group Will Be Given 1 Glowstick For Every Two Patrons. If You Thought Scream Hollow Was Scary Before…You Are In For A Shock! Come See What Is Waiting For You In The Darkness! Can You Find Your Way Out?! 36 Buildings Across 5 Haunted Houses All In The Dense Forest!

Date: October 20-November 4, 2023


Friday-Saturday, 7pm - 12am
Thursday, October 26, 7pm - 10pm
Sunday, 7pm - 10pm
Tuesday, October 31, 7pm - 11pm
November 3-4, 7pm - 11pm

Location: Scream Hallow Wicked Halloween Park - 149 Split Rail Lane Smithville, TX 78957

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