
Simply Turning Out Your Lights Can Protect Migrating Birds

Clubs and Organizations

April 25, 2023

From: Fairfield Migration Madness

A billion birds a year are killed when they crash into buildings. You can help by turning out the lights

Birds migrating at night are vulnerable to a particular peril: lights on buildings.

It's a huge problem. The lights lure them straight into windows and buildings. The annual death toll in North America is 1 billion birds.

What can be done? We've joined the Lights Out Connecticut coalition, and we're asking you to turn out your house lights during the current migration season. (When you go to bed, of course — you don't need to spend your evening in the dark.)

On some spring nights, a million birds fly over Connecticut. We know when that will happen and we'll let you know.

Turning out your lights is simple, but it works. It can reduce bird deaths by half.

You can learn more on our Lights Out page, where you'll find a link to sign up for Lights Out alerts.

Thank you!

Osprey Nation: Call for Volunteers

We expect to have upwards of 1,000 Osprey nests in the state this season and the Osprey Nation project still needs lots of help monitoring them.

This is the 10th season of Osprey Nation. The team of volunteers is responsible for some of the most important, ongoing citizen science work ever undertaken in Connecticut.

You can be part of it. It's easy, fun, and extremely satisfying. If you don't know a lot about Ospreys, no matter — you'll learn so much great stuff.

As of this afternoon, we have 264 people monitoring 693 nests, with 303 nests unaccounted for.

Visit the Osprey Nation page and view the map. Then email our Osprey Nation coordinator, Nick Ferrauolo: [email protected].

Migration Madness, May 20 - 21

We've modified the annual Birdathon rules this year to make it easier for you to participate for a shorter amount of time.

Great prizes. The annual Photo Contest. A full slate of bird walks and other programs, with more to come.

Migration Madness is an important way to contribute to the well-being of Connecticut's birds.

So please sign up now!

And keep scrolling through this email for a list of Migration Madness 2023 sponsors.

The 125th Anniversary 125-Bird Challenge is on!

Explore our sanctuaries on your own to see if you can find 125 species. Learn more HERE.

Email us at:[email protected].