
Spotlighters Theatre News - Lighting Grid Install And Audio System Re-Designare Almost Complete

Arts and Entertainment

August 29, 2023

From: Spotlighters Theatre

Lighting Grid Project

The new instruments have been tested!

Twelve more (Power Zooms)to arrive and hang!

And - an all new Audio re-work thanks to Aidan Deighan, our Peabody Intern!

An Exciting Season 61 awaits!

Our Tech Director and crew of volunteers removed all the old fixtures and power cabling in just One Day! Then Union Electric's crew removed the old power cabling and wiring, removed the 1990s pipe grid, and installed the new near flush to ceiling Track Grid, and all the power stations over the stage.

Barbizon Lighting Capital (Mark Fink, Amanda Kircher and Brooke the Tech) got the new equipment, with cabling and hardware delivered (see above photo of boxes in the lobby!)

Tech Director, Rob Books and Fuzz Roark, ran power and control cables and hung instruments, while Aidan Deighan ran the new wiring for the mics, house speakers and stage monitors.

As of Wednesday, August 23 . . . all systems were working! Yeah!!!!

Twelve more power zoom instruments are arriving Thursday, August 24 and will be installed to complete the basic grid plot.

Much thanks our Middendorf and France-Merrick Foundations for their leadership and support of this project and to our amazing patrons who assisted in making it all happen! A special thank you to "D Squared Gay Gents Fund" for a special gift that allowed us to upgrade to the powered zoom fixtures!

We are still working on a wish list for a new additional items that would make our tech system more user friendly and provide for a wider range of usages. Digital Switches, and some additional Digital effects devices are on the list. If you would like to donate to support Spotlighters to get another really cool tech device .... please visit www.spotlighters.org/partners.

Donations are still needed . . . Support the Lighting Grid Fund!

Yes, we have the funding to install the new grid and power, and for the basic LED instruments for the stage, . . . but we need a bit more to make the system all it can be for the best lighting at Spotlighters!

We have also had expenses for painting and some repairs due to the removal of the old grid, wiring and supports. 100 yr old plaster is kinda delicate!

Please make a donation - $25, $50, $100 or more ...


to make an online donation, select Lighting Grid Project as the fund.

You may also make a donation by mailing a check to

Spotlighters Theatre - 817 Saint Paul Street - Baltimore, MD 21202.

Please include a note that your donation is for the Lighting Grid Project. Thanks!