
The Buttonwood Tree Announcements

Arts and Entertainment

December 19, 2022

From: The Buttonwood Tree Performing Arts and Cultural Center

The Buttonwood Tree is excited to announce the Board has expanded to eight members. We'd like to welcome Amber Busari, Melinda Brainerd, and Louise Petroka to our Board. With Renée Tribert, Kelly Dougherty, Nanette Fresher, Ken Burtis, and Amy Albert, The Buttonwood Tree has a Board with experience in Grant Writing, Marketing, Public Relations, Communications, Membership Management, Volunteer and Intern Management, Finance, Bookkeeping, Fundraising and Hosting Performances.

The Executive Board is Amy Albert, President; Ken Burits, VP; Melinda Brainerd, Treasurer; Nanette Fresher Volunteer Manager. We are currently seeking a Board Secretary who will fill out our Executive Team.

Additionally, the Executive Director, Anne-Marie McEwen is on a Leave of Absence through March 31st 2023. She is in Florida with her family. In her absence, the point of contact is Amy Albert, for bookings, space rentals, and any questions or concerns.

We look forward to expanding and deepening our connection to Wesleyan University, including student performances, internships where students can gain meaningful experience presenting their creativity as well as practical skills in marketing and hosting a performance, and Faculty performances and Art shows.  Our current Art Exhibit is Nanette Fresher's oil paintings, and we will have Open House hours from 1-4 pm December 19th, 23rd, 26th, and 27th for viewings and purchases.

In 2023 we are pleased to announce we will begin hosting Drag Shows, as well as LGBTQIA+ Open Mic. Our Hip Hop Open Mic will continue, and we will continue to add more diversity to our performances throughout the year, while maintaining the Jazz and Folk favorites who have been performing for years if not decades. As we expand our offerings, we look forward to seeing our longtime patrons and meeting new audiences discovering The Buttonwood Tree for the first time. Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year.

See www.Buttonwood.org for show details or call (860) 347-4957.