
Town Of Hebron Weekly Management Report - December 16, 2022

Government and Politics

December 19, 2022

From: Town Of Hebron


Public Building Committee - Monday, December 19, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. - Teams
Elementary Schools Re-Roofing Committee - Monday, December 19, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. - Teams
RHAM Board of Education - Monday, December 19, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. - Hybrid/Google
Economic Development Commission - Monday, December 19, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. - GoToMeeting
Chatham Health District Meeting - Tuesday, December 20, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. - ZOOM
School Readiness Council - Tuesday, December 20, 2022 at 3:30 p.m. - ZOOM

For more up-to-date information, refer to the Town's website at:  https://hebronct.com/agendas/ 


Hebron Health and Safety

We have worked 113 days without a work-related injury or accident.


This Public Works Department started the week with a 4” snowstorm on Sunday. This extended into Monday morning with spot sanding again on Tuesday. The fleet was washed from salt residue and repairs were addressed for the remainder of the week. Mailbox repairs were needed, and multiple deer remains were removed from the roadside


This week the fire department responded to 27 EMS, 3 motor vehicle accidents and 1 mutual aid fire.


Activity for the weekly report:

-Effected routine sediment and erosion control adherence checks relative to previously issued permit conditions of approval.

-Made 3 regulatory compliance jurisdictional determinations with corresponding site visits.

-Coordinated with the CT Recreation, Conservation and Development Agency on Environmental Review Team property studies and the Airline State Park Master Plan.

-Researched state dam statutes and agriculture and forestry regulations as they apply to the Inland Wetlands Act.

-Coordinated with a forester in the permit implementation process.

-Conducted periodic inspections and patrols relative to wetlands violations, ATV usage on Town lands and illegal dumping.

-Facilitated Legal Notice of Decision postings.

-Provided administrative and logistical support to the Conservation and Inland Wetlands Commission.



A new property records management system with a company called IQS was installed this week and program training has begun.      

Multiple town departments now have special access and permission to print documents without charge from their desktop computers. 

The Animal Control Officer has immediate access to the dog licensing portal allowing him to search for the contact information for all licensed dog owners by tag number, name, and address.  Having this immediate information will permit him to serve the community efficiently when called to duty.  

We are working closely with the finance department to be sure all accounts line up properly as we prepare to begin accepting electronic land recordings and credit card payments online as well as at the counter.


Students in grades 3-6 are invited to join us on Wednesday December 21st in the Hebron El Library from 3:15-5p for Holiday Ornament Crafting.  Each participant will craft three holiday ornaments, listen to holiday music, and enjoy a cup of hot cocoa.  Price is $30 per child.  Pre-registration is required.

In partnership with Shaun Keane and WINS for Life we will be running Offensive Skills Basketball Clinics on Wednesday, December 28th. Clinics will be held at Hebron Elementary School. There will be two sessions, grades 3-5 at 8:45-10:15am and grades 6-8 10:30am-12:00pm. Cost is $30 per player. To register visit wins4life.com.
Our Winter Classic Basketball Camp with Shaun Keane will run every Thursday from January 5th to February 2nd for students in grades 4 and 5 at Hebron Elementary School. It will start right after school and run till 5:00pm, $100 per player. Players will develop skills and a deeper understanding of the game through drills, fun activities and games.

Home Alone Safety Is Back on Thursday, January 26th!
Home Alone Safety for Kids is a unique class for boys and girls ages 8-13 who are left at home alone. This interactive course will cover safety for children when they are home by themselves. Each student will receive a workbook that covers house key safety, indoor and safety, gun safety, fires and gas leaks, first aid kit essentials, phone, door, and internet safety.

There are a few spots remaining in our Babysitters Training class!  This entry level course is available for ages 11-17.  Participants will learn appropriate skills necessary to care for children of all ages, with an emphasis on safety and prevention.  Other topics will include diapering, bottle feeding, and interview skills.  Completion of the course comes with a 2 year Babysitter Safety Certification.

We are hiring!  The Parks and Recreation Department is seeking applicants for our PREP Before and After School program that runs throughout the school year.  Morning and afternoon hours are available Monday-Friday.  PREP staff plan and implement games and activities, serve snacks, and interact with children grades pre-k through 6th, while acting as positive role models and providing guidance and leadership.  Visit our website or call 860-530-1281 for more information



The Douglas Library of Hebron Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit private organization established to support the Douglas Library of Hebron.  We are looking to grow our membership!

This volunteer advocacy group provides support to the Douglas Library Board of Trustees.  The Association exists as a requirement of the Charles J. Douglas Trust which provides a source of funding for library business each year.  The Association designates five members to serve on the Library Board of Trustees.

Members must be residents of Hebron as well as be 18 years of age or older.  The Association meets twice a year and welcomes Hebron residents to join and learn more about ways to support the Library.  Please consider becoming a member of the Douglas Library of Hebron Association. 

To find out more about opportunities to support the Douglas Library of Hebron, please contact the Library Director at (860) 228-9312 x 316.    


The end of a year is a time of recall and reflection. Looking back, The Town Center Project couldn’t be happier with how 2022 turned out.  We’ve recorded a record number of people attending our events, we’ve met wonderful people, including some terrific volunteers.  We’ve done well, it’s a wrap! 

If you’ve ever stopped by TTCP’s booth, attended a concert, or ran into a “meeting” at Flour Girl Café, then you’ve heard this before… “TTCP is an all-volunteer driven 501c3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to reinvent the heart of Hebron.”  We’d like to take this article space and dedicate it to our amazing volunteers and those in the community that fulfill that goal.  We’d love nothing more than to fill this space with a list of names– but we’d inevitably leave someone off – the list is just that long. That doesn’t mean that we’ve forgotten the time, the energy, the talents you’ve given.  So, we’ll just say – you know who you are.  You’re that newcomer in town, who knew no one but took a leap of faith and jumped in to help pull this train forward. The young mom, up to her eyeballs in football and cheer, who found a few more minutes to run a parade, the one battling medical issues, yet couldn’t not help, the one with the new job, the new baby, or the volunteer that just retired – ready for some “me time.” Yeah, some “me donating my time to you time!” 

Without you and your commitment, TTCP wouldn’t exist. You make us proud!

While TTCP isn’t a town entity, nor are we funded in any way by the town – the people that work there deserve a shout out as well: The Town Manager and his office, the Selectmen (especially the Chair, Dan Larson), our Building Official/Fire Marshall, our Fire Department, the Police Department, the Town Planner, The Douglas Library, the Public Works Department, the Senior Center, the Town Clerk’s office and special thanks to the Parks and Rec Department and crew – who pick up, put out and store the hundreds of bits and pieces of what makes it all work.

TTCP has big plans for 2023!  With the help of our volunteers, our town partners and the continued support of our community, we’re unstoppable.  Stay tuned.

To donate, volunteer or stay connected follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/towncenterprojectinc  visit our website https://www.thetowncenterproject.org/ or drop us an email at [email protected]