
Town of Rocky Hill - Celebrating National 211 Day

Government and Politics

February 2, 2023

From: Town of Rocky Hill

Good morning, friends,

 I am excited to share with you that we are in high gear preparing to celebrate National 211 Day on Saturday, February 11!

 Part of our celebration includes the debut of a powerful new video about 211’s impact in Connecticut. You can watch it here.

 As the date draws closer, you will also have access to cutting edge 211information and materials on our 211 landing page.

 A press release is also attached for your convenience.

 Thank YOU for relying on United Way of Connecticut’s/211 every day for critical information about cold weather activations, the 988 rollout and the state’s housing crisis, to name just a few.

 We are available to you for virtual interviews between February 10 and February 12 and have b-roll available for your use. Please reply all to this email to schedule your interview.

 Thank you in advance for sharing this news!
