
Town of Southbury News - Southbury Releases Draft of Plan of Conservation and Development

Government and Politics

January 19, 2023

From: Town of Southbury

Southbury Releases Draft of Plan of Conservation and Development

The Southbury Planning Commission has released a final draft of the municipality’s updated Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD), which will serve as a guide for future growth and development in Southbury, for a four-week review period.

Community input has been solicited throughout the updating process through a community survey in September-October 2021, an Open House in March 2022, an information webpage (www.southbury-ct.gov/POCD) which contains the survey results, and now a one month review period of this final draft prior to adoption, pursuant to state statute.

Residents, community members, businesses and organizations may view the plan electronically and submit comments on the town’s website at www.southbury-ct.org/POCD. A printed copy is available at the Town Clerk’s office in Town Hall, and the Town Library, along with a paper form response option.

The Planning Commission has scheduled a public hearing to adopt the updated Plan of Conservation and Development on February 21, 2023.

Work on the plan was overseen by the town’s Planning Commission, municipal staff, and Cheshire-based consulting firm, SLR International. The ten-year plan, required under state statute, looks to establish a vision and objectives, address housing, business and infrastructure development, as well parks, open space, historic and natural resources protection and sustainability, among other things.

Southbury’s last Plan of Conservation of Development was adopted in December 2012.