
Town of Weston Conservation Connections Newsletter - Winter 2023

Government and Politics

January 6, 2023

From: Town Of Weston

Get Outside

Explore the Great Outdoors

Winter is a great time to explore Weston’s 100 miles of Weston’s beautiful trails through the 2,000 acres of Conservation Land. 

Walking in nature is a stress-reducing activity; however, being unsure of where you are or how far you have walked and how to get back to your car or home can cause some anxiety. But not so much anymore! By using free trail apps such as AllTrails, you can track your path in the woods and take the stress out of getting lost. You can make your time in the woods even more special by recording your hike, documenting special sightings with photos, and sharing with friends.

If you prefer, a large paper trail map documenting all of Weston's trails is available for $10 at Town Hall courtesy of Weston Forest & Trail Association (WFTA). Come visit the Conservation Department to pick up your copy.

Guided Trail Walks

Weston Forest and Trail Association (WFTA) leads guided trail walks each month from October to May so that Weston residents and their friends may enjoy and appreciate the wonderful nature that surrounds us. Walks start at 2 pm (rain, snow, or sunshine!) and run 1–2 hours in different parts of town. Upcoming walks:

  • February 5 - Elliston Farm to the Weston Reservoir. Visit four very different landscapes: Working farm, golf course, forest and reservoir. Park at the Elliston Homestead at 263 South Ave. Moderate.  
  • March 5 - Burchard/College Pond and the Quiet Side of Ogilvie. Join us for a challenging 3-mile hike through two conservation properties linked by connector trails. Park at Burchard near tennis courts.  
  • April 2 - Jericho Forest. Walk a 3-mile loop in Weston’s original town forest, to and from French’s Field. Flat terrain. Park on Gun Club Lane.  

Members, visitors, children and dogs are welcome, though dogs must be leashed and under control by their owners. Up-to-date information on upcoming walks can be found on WFTA's website.

Stewardship Saturdays

Join the Weston Conservation Department and Weston Forest and Trail Association (WFTA) on the third Saturday of every month for stewardship and camaraderie as we work collaboratively to manage over 2,000 acres of Conservation Land and 100 miles of off-road trails. Both organizations rely on volunteers to assist with the management of these incredible resources. Participants will get an overview of the Weston Trail System, and enjoy some quality time in one of Weston’s natural gems. Stewardship Saturday projects include invasive plant management, trail construction and maintenance, boardwalk and bridge construction, trash pickup, stone wall beautification, tree pruning, etc.
We invite you to our next Stewardship Saturday event on January 21, and you may sign up by emailing [email protected]. Children at least 13 years of age must have parental supervision, ages 16+ do not need parents in attendance. No previous experience is necessary. We will provide all the know-how. To find out more go to: https://www.weston.org/1718/Stewardship-Saturdays.
Our October project focused on repairing stone walls along Concord Road. A small but mighty group made some impressive improvements. And some were inspired to continue these efforts at home on their own properties.
And in November, over a dozen volunteers continued last year’s work by clearing overgrown plants thereby providing a view into the historic Merriam Barn. Many old mysterious objects were uncovered. After this heroic effort, the group was still energetic and also removed invasive plants from the stone wall at the Green Power farm across the street. 

December had us at the Cold Brook Stream Conservation Area constructing bog walks and rerouting trail segments to allow better access and reduce erosion. Thank you to our eight volunteers led by Joel Angiolillo, president of the WFTA.

Clean Up, Clean Up, Everybody Do Your Share

Even with the winter weather here, we are happy to see lots of residents walking Weston’s 100 miles of beautiful Conservation Land trails. Help us to keep the trails safe for all. If you see branches or fallen trees blocking the path, please feel free to be empowered to move them, if safe to do so. If not, just let us know and we will take care of it. The Conservation Department can be reached at [email protected] or 781-786-5059.

Protecting Weston's Unique Wetland Resources through Local Control

Weston is home to 815 acres of forested wetland--approximately 7% of the total land area in Town. It sits within both the Charles River and Sudbury-Assabet-Concord River (SuAsCo) watersheds and supports nine (9) named brooks and streams and 112 vernal pools. Weston’s sylvan nature—the town oversees 2,000 acres of open space and 100 miles of trails—is highly valued by Weston’s residents and sets Weston apart from its more urbanized neighbors.

Yet Weston lags behind more than 200 Massachusetts cities and towns that have adopted municipal bylaws to protect their wetlands, rivers and ponds. To decrease the threat of flooding from increasingly severe storms and to support environmental protection, climate resilience, and preservation of valuable habitats, the Weston Conservation Commission has drafted and advocates passage of a Wetlands Protection Bylaw that strengthens existing state law and codifies existing local policy. The Commission will present the bylaw at a future town meeting. To learn more, visit: https://www.weston.org/1819/Proposed-Weston-Wetlands-Bylaw

Winter Trail Etiquette 

Fresh air and peace and quiet do wonders! When the snow is just right, take your cross-country skis, snowshoes or fat tire bike out on our shared-use trails and please follow these courtesies so all can enjoy the great outdoors.

  • Walk, snowshoe or bike next to tracks that skiers have already laid out (footprints and bike ruts spoil the tracks).
  • If you create a divot, please repair for everyone’s safety.
  • If you are on a fat bike and leave a rut deeper than an inch or are having a difficult time riding in a straight line, then the snow is simply too soft for riding.
  • Remember, bikes yield to skiers and everyone yields to horses.
  • Dog walkers must ALWAYS pick up dog poop. Please don’t pollute the snow or trails with this unsightly waste.
  • Please respect other trail users and our wildlife.
  • Follow all COVID rules.

Respect the Wilderness

Still looking for a New Year's resolution? If you plan on exploring the outdoors in 2023, make yourself a goal to ‘leave no trace’. Some easy actions to take to keep Massachusetts wild: https://www.mass.gov/news/new-years-resolution-respect-the-wilderness.
And PLEASE do not dump your Christmas tree (or anything else!) on Conservation Land.

Don't Feed the Wildlife 

Each winter, MassWildlife receives inquiries from the public about whether or not to put food out for wildlife. Feeding wildlife can do more harm than good and disrupts how wild animals naturally adapt to winter conditions.  Learn how feeding can hurt wildlife: https://www.mass.gov/news/why-you-shouldnt-feed-wildlife-this-winter

Deadwood is Good Wood

Deadwood is an essential component of forests and wetlands. In addition to providing habitat for a myriad of organisms, deadwood is critical to the health of the forest. Forest health revolves around decomposing wood and leaves. Whether a standing oak that is riddled with woodpecker holes or a fallen willow that has created a snag in a small brook, deadwood fosters forest life. Think twice before you ‘clean up’ or clear out your wooded edge. Fallen branches also provide excellent protection for small animals and birds. 
To learn more about downed trees/limbs in water bodies, go to: https://www.mass.gov/news/wood-is-good.

Stay Safe on the Ice

It's wintertime in Massachusetts, but is it safe to venture out on the ice? Ice rarely freezes uniformly and conditions are constantly changing. Always consider ice to be potentially dangerous. Review ice thickness guidelines here: https://www.mass.gov/news/stay-safe-on-the-ice-this-winter.

Animal Tracking 

A fun outdoor activity for kids and adults alike is animal tracking. You can do this on Weston’s Conservation Land or in your own backyard. This is especially fun and easy when the ground is covered in fresh winter snow. For guidance and to see some examples of animal track photos, go to: https://www.almanac.com/content/animal-track-identification#.

Great Backyard Bird Count-
Save the Date: February 17-20, 2023

Each February, the world comes together for the love of birds. Spend time in your favorite places watching birds. These observations help scientists better understand global bird populations before one of their annual migrations. For details, go to: https://www.birdcount.org/about/.

Poisons in our Environment

And if you enjoy our birds and wildlife, avoid poisons to address unwanted rodents. When raptors and other animals eat poisoned prey, they also get poisoned. For additional info:

Cool info about Cold- Blooded Snakes

 What do snakes do in winter? When the weather gets colder, snakes and other cold-blooded animals slow down. Snakes take shelter in rock crevices, hollow logs, and holes but occasionally venture out on warmer days to bask in the sun. Learn more info here: https://www.mass.gov/news/snakes-are-preparing-for-winter.

Weston Ski Track 

Charles River Recreation, in cooperation with Department of Conservation (DCR), is dedicated to providing affordable and accessible outdoor recreational opportunities in the Boston area, including the Leo J. Martin Ski Track located at 190 Park Road in Weston. Reservations for skiing and snowshoeing are required. To find more info go to: https://www.skiboston.com/.

Wanted: Bark Rangers

Do you love walking trails? Engaging with others? Or have a passion for the environment? Help us keep Weston’s trails and open spaces enjoyable for everyone. 

The Town of Weston is actively seeking volunteers to assist the Conservation and Animal Control departments in spreading awareness of the Town's rules and regulations for dogs and dog owners. Volunteer responsibilities will include hiking our trails, greeting visitors at a trail-head, engaging and educating visitors about their dog walking habits, and collecting data, all while modeling good dog walking behavior.

Learn more about the program at Weston.org/BarkRangers and fill out an online volunteer application today.

Dog Licenses Expired December 31st

State law requires all dogs over six months to be licensed annually. Dog Licenses may be purchased through the mail or at the Town Clerk’s office in Town Hall. Proof of rabies immunization must accompany the application and payment. Renewals may be done online so long as the up-to-date rabies certificate is on file with the Town Clerk. For more information go to: Please visit https://www.weston.org/345/Dog-Licensing.

Wild Wild West(on)- Share your Talent!

Are you a shutterbug who enjoys capturing Weston’s wildlife? We welcome your submittals – whether flora or fauna – and will share your observations in upcoming Conservation Connections. Please submit your photographs to [email protected]. We look forward to seeing what YOU have seen.

Thank you to Marie Forbes for submitting these beautiful photos taken at Regis College during the change of seasons.

Click Here for more information.