
VTGOP Adds New Attorney General Candidate, Ture Nelson to November Ballot

Government and Politics

August 19, 2024

After a weekend meeting, the Vermont Republican Party added a new candidate to the November election ballot for Attorney General.

Ture Nelson of Berlin earned his degree in Law Enforcement Administration from Western Illinois University and worked for 32 years as an investigator for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration where he was eventually promoted to become the Division Administrator of the Vermont Division. In that role her oversaw a staff of investigators collecting evidence, determining appropriate penalties and administration of civil enforcement actions.

Since retiring from that position, Ture Nelson has continued to serve his local community by filling in as Interim Town Administrator for Berlin two days after the 2023 floods. During this time Nelson has also overseen the administration of FEMA reimbursements, buyouts, and transportation infrastructure improvements.

“Between both positions, I’ve gained a new perspective on how our government has lost touch with the people they serve,” said Nelson. “I intend to put the service back into government service.”

Nelson expressed his interest in running for Attorney General at Saturday’s Republican State Committee meeting. H. Brooke Paige, the winner of last week’s primary agreed to withdraw from the race, and even nominated Nelson himself.

“I’m proud to have Ture Nelson as part of the statewide Republican team,” said H. Brooke Paige. “This time our committee nomination process worked seamlessly. I look forward to turning my own attention on my race for Secretary of State and joining with all Vermont Republicans to resolve many of the problems that Democratic Progressives have created across our state.”

The announcement comes just weeks after news broke that the State of Vermont is likely to be sued in accordance with the Global Warming Solutions Act. To date the current Attorney General has not made any indication of how aggressively she will defend the taxpayers of Vermont in this likely suit.

“I think Ture Nelson getting into the race is going to provide a clear contrast for Vermont voters,” said VTGOP Chairman Paul Dame. “For years of Democrats using the AG’s office as shakedown operation, where they would just hop on the bandwagon with whatever popular lawsuit was coming from the AGs in other Democrat-run states. Instead Ture Nelson has led the charge over his long career in actual enforcement and has demonstrated his ability to get things done to help Vermonters in real terms. Nelson is a public servant with a lot of heart for the people who rely on him. And I think his approach would be a great improvement for Vermonters who are finding a real lack of leadership from the current AG’s office.”