Government and Politics
October 25, 2024
Williston, VT - In a video posted today, VTGOP Chairman Paul Dame sounded an alarm that Vermont Republicans are trailing in early voting, and encouraged them, along with all Vermonters to consider voting early this election season.
“It’s been a little concerning,” said Dame. “In other states like Pennsylvania and Nevada, Republicans have had one of the strongest early voting turnouts in recent history. But for whatever reason Republicans in Vermont have been lagging behind.”
In the video message posted on the VTGOP’s YouTube channel, Dame outlines some of the important reasons to consider voting early.
“One thing that is true of all the Vermont Republicans I know is that the put their work and their family first - sometimes ahead of politics,” said Dame in the video. He then explained how issues at work or with family could unexpectedly crop up on election day and prevent Republicans from getting to the poll, despite their best intentions.
“I just had a conversation with someone well known in Vermont politics who admitted that one year their spouse didn’t make it to the polls because they were helping a family member with child care. So it’s not some theoretical thing - this happens, and I think it happens a lot, especially with Republican voters. But it could happen to anyone. We’ve all had days that go differently than expected - and if that happens on election day, it could mean you never get to cast your vote.”
In the video Dame encourages voters to complete their ballot and return it in person to the local town clerk so that there is no question about delays that have plagued the postal service. Last week the Secretary of State had also warned Vermonters that any mailed in ballots should have already been returned to ensure they are delivered in time to be counted.
“Why take the risk?” asked Dame. “If you know how you’re voting, as many Republicans do, your vote doesn’t become more valuable if you turn it in at the last minute. The only way to make sure that your vote is cast it to turn it in early.”