
VTGOP Says Democratic Party 'No Place for Moderates' Any More

Government and Politics

August 14, 2024

After polls closed and primary results began to trickle in, VTGOP Chairman had the following response:

“Tonight’s primary makes it abundantly clear that the Democratic Party is no place for moderates any more. The Democratic primary rewarded the most extreme and far-left candidates in several races, passing over sensible moderates. In the Republican primaries, especially in the Lt. Governor’s race showed that there is room in our party for sensible moderates who feel like the Democrats have gone too far and become too extreme.

The most surprising result to me personally is that a literal Socialist, Tanya Vyhovsky, appears to won in the Chittenden Central senate district, with a small but measurable lead over longtime news anchor Stewart Ledbetter who ran a policy-focused campaign to address the cost of living and housing. Vyhovsky’s primary focus during the primary has been suing Governor Phil Scott. Democrats are electing adversaries, not allies for Governor Scott.

The Democratic Socialists of America endorsed Vyhovsky as well as Venezuelan dictator Maduro, but AOC was too moderate for their consideration. I don’t think Vermonters realize yet just how far left the Democrats were pushed in tonight’s primary election, and how strongly those leaders have rejected any new voices from middle.

Meanwhile Republicans welcomed former Democrat John Rogers with the intent to give a serious challenge to David Zuckerman who won his primary easily despite incredibly unnerving revelations of his workplace conduct which were exposed by fellow Democrats.

Likewise independent-minded problem-solving Democrats like Caleb Elder and Louis Myers were rejected in their respective senate races for their more progressive counterparts.

This means as Vermonters are looking for common sense, centrist candidates in the general election - they are going to find them running as Republican, because the Democrat sent all of these pragmatic moderates home tonight.”