
What Pennsylvanians Are Saying: 'David Mccormick Isn’t Going To Fight For Steelworkers Like Me'

Government and Politics

August 22, 2024

Keystone Newsroom Op-Ed: “McCormick Got Rich While U.S. Steelworkers Got Stiffed”

PENNSYLVANIA — Pennsylvanians are fed up with Connecticut hedge fund CEO and mega-millionaire David McCormick’s lies about being a “job creator” and are slamming him for his real record of killing hundreds of American jobs.

Here’s What Pennsylvanians Are Saying:

Keystone Newsroom Op-Ed: Dave McCormick isn’t going to fight for steelworkers like me. Just look at his record.

  • I’m one of the many Pennsylvania union workers you are hearing candidates talking about this election year. I am a retired steelworker, proud member of the United Steelworkers union, and a Navy veteran.
  • News reports are revealing stark differences between Senator Bob Casey’s full-throated fight to protect workers’ rights and David McCormick’s lies about his long record of killing and outsourcing American jobs.
  • A recent report found that, as CEO of FreeMarkets, McCormick eliminated hundreds of jobs and shipped them to China and India. In pursuing a merger that led to 250 layoffs, Mr. McCormick netted millions of dollars.
  • The most disqualifying for me were his bets against Pennsylvania steelworkers like me.
  • The Keystone Newsroom reported that Mr. McCormick led Bridgewater Associates while it shorted the stocks of American steel manufacturers – including U.S. Steel based in Pittsburgh – and invested in foreign competitors.
  • It infuriates me that he says he’s trying to save Pennsylvania steelworkers’ union jobs, when his record so clearly shows his leadership cost us our jobs.
  • David McCormick got rich while U.S. steelworkers got stiffed. It is a common story of Mr. McCormick’s decades-long business career and it is something he’s bragged about on more than one occasion.
  • In past interviews he bragged about his record of shipping jobs overseas, taught other companies that outsource jobs, and even told attendees at a closed door company event that I don’t really care” if Pennsylvania jobs are shipped overseas.
  • The stakes of this election on workers’ rights are incredibly high. Pennsylvania workers cannot afford to have McCormick as our leader in the U.S. Senate.
  • Mr. McCormick would roll back the bipartisan infrastructure law, killing thousands of good-paying jobs in Pennsylvania. He has criticized “Buy American” provisions and refused to support tariffs on China that would help save jobs in Pennsylvania.
  • He is on the side of greedy corporations that have gutted workers’ rights. Last year, he defended corporate greed and called for permanent tax breaks for big, wealthy corporations.
  • The choice we have before us this November is obvious. We can’t trust David McCormick to have the backs of Pennsylvania workers.