About Us:
The Adrian School District includes a K-8 school and high school. The district recently opened the doors to a new K-8 school building. The school district operates on a four-day week schedule with alternating R/SD (Remedial/Staff Development Day) Friday. Regular classroom instruction is held Monday-Thursday. R/SD Friday schedule concentrates on student assistance toward academic studies (individualized teacher assistance, study groups, peer tutoring), class meetings, advisor/advisee conferences between staff and students, and staff development.
The Adrian community originally consisted of five grade schools: Kingman Kolony, Owyhee, Wade, Lower Bend, and Ridgeview. The Adrian High School was built in 1939, the Class of 1940 being the inductee graduates.
Mission Statement:
The Adrian School District believes that all children can learn. We are committed to motivating each student to reach his or her maximum potential in a changing world.